Chapter 9

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Kyd Wykyyd's POV

I pushed Raven-Rachel-to the ground before the portal took her to Earth. I landed on top of her and then quieted her.

"Let me go!" She screamed. She had tears in her eyes.

"Kevyn! Off the Princess! Now!" My father said.

I quickly got off and offered my hand to Rachel. She ignored me and pushed herself up. "I'm going to leave!" Rachel said.

"No, you aren't. You're going to stay here and marry Kevyn." the queen-Arella-said coming up beside my father.

"Kevyn? Kevyn! He's a villain, I'm the good guy! We are not compatible." Rachel shouted angrily.

Arella opened her cloak and took us in and when she uncovered us, we were in the royal house, in Raven's quarters, "Rachel, please. You have to learn to deal with this. Your people need you. You and Kevyn. They need you as their queen and Kevyn as their king. I'm sorry, sweetie, but you need to do this. For your people. For yourself. For me."

Rachel looked down to the ground and I saw tiny tears start to run down her cheeks as she cried silently. I decided to risk my life to get close to her and wrap my arm around her shoulders. She tensed at first, but then relaxed.

She didn't kill me?

She didn't kill me!

Well, this is a good start.

Raven's POV

I don't know why I let Kyd Wykyyd's arm around me. Sometimes I just felt so safe around him.

No! I should hate his guts, not feel comfortable with him.

Then I started to think of everyone else. Beast Boy, Starfire, Robin, Cyborg, I'm gonna miss them all. Will I ever get to see them again? Am I really never going back home? I've used all my energy to make the last portal. It would take probably a year until I'm able to go back. And things could change. What if I fall for Kyd? What if I actually marry? What if Beast Boy moves on? What if Terra gets her memory back? What am I supposed to do?

I cried harder and told everyone to leave. Once they did I laid on my bed and my cries softened.

"Raven?" Kyd Wykyyd said through the door.

"Please, just go away, Kyd." I mumbled quietly.

"Raven, please? I just wanna talk for a second. Please?"

"Fine." I said. As he opened the door, I sat up and looked over to him and waited.

"Look, Raven, I'm sorry. I know you love Beast Boy, but it's just hard to see someone you love love someone else. And it hurts."

"Kyd, I-"

"Kevyn. Call me Kevyn."

"Kevyn, I-I don't know what I feel. The truth is, ever since you kissed me, I've felt differently. And I've been doubting my love for Beast Boy. And I don't know what to think anymore."

"Raven, do you-uh-do you think it would be possible for me and you?" He asked taking my hands into his.

I looked down to our interlocked hands then back up into his eyes. His mask was off, and I could see his red eyes and his unruly black hair. His skin was paler than mine. "M-Maybe." I managed to say.

He got the widest smile I have ever seen. And then he stood and said, "Thanks, that's a huge relief."

I laughed shortly and then stood up. I held my hand out towards him, "C'mon. Let's do this for Azarath."

"And for ourselves." He added.

I nodded my approval, "And ourselves."


You may hate me for this, but I may not be updating in a long while. This phone that I have now sucks and I need to get a new one, and currently no Wi-Fi at home, and the school changed their password, so I'm stuck with no internet and absolutely no life right now because of it. This may be the last update in a while. So sorry and I hope you enjoyed the Kyd and Raven moment there.


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