A/N Don't have to read this

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Sorry for the wait. It's longer than I usually intend to update, but school has been getting in the way. On Wednesday, I missed a lot of things. Thursday was so stressful and I managed to sleep throughout the entire Algebra lesson. And today, one of my teachers (RIP Mrs. Kent) had died a few weeks ago, and everyone wrote on this white board in the back of the class, and today the substitute, Ms. Miller, she fucking erased it all. You don't know how pissed off everyone was. Especially my friend, Trinity, who went berserk when she did that. So that makes two teachers I hate. Anyway, I'll try to update one of these upcoming days. If I don't please try to understand that Mrs. Kent was my favorite teacher and when that fucking bitch erased everything we had written, it really set me off. The school was going to take that white board to the new school as a memorial thing for her, but now there's nothing on it. I'm literally crying as I'm writing this. So sorry, but just wait a few more days.

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