One Last Time | 31

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Fireworks. Alcohol. Laughter. Hugs. These four things defined the trespass from 2001 to 2002. A cheerful celebration for yet another successful turnaround of the Earth around the sun. Muggles and Wizards combined counted down the last remaining seconds of the year before unleashing colourful fireworks in the sky. Ottery St. Catchpole was painted in red, yello, purple and all shorts of colours. Charlie managed to discover some of the twins' old stock of fireworks, which he used to entertain a very amused Teddy Lupin, who had surprisingly managed to stay awake until midnight. More fireworks were also released from the Lovegood and DIggory households, bringing into union the three wizarding families that lived around Ottery St. Catchpole.

The gathering at the Burrow was smaller than usual, as most of the Weasley siblings had plans of their own for New Year. It still got nothing away from the celebratory atmosphere around the house. Arthur popped a bottle of firewhiskey which was carefully shared under the scrutinizing gaze of his wife. Even if Harry didn't really enjoy the beverage, he didn't mind having a second round. To him, it didn't matter how he spent his time, rather than with whom. And that night, he was surrounded by some of his favourite people. He only wished Ron and Hermione had been there, but the two had made plans to spend the day with Hermione's parents.

After the second glass however, Harry and Athena knew better than to consume more alcohol, especially since technically they were still on duty. Not that Molly would let anyone get wasted on her watch. After having her glass of firewhiskey, Andromeda departed with young Teddy, wishing everyone a happy new year. After that, the "party" was dissolved as everyone else went to bed. Well, almost everyone. Harry didn't feel tired yet and neither did Charlie and Athena. Ginny stayed with them for a little while before she went upstairs too. But her leaving didn't help in ceasing Harry's anxiety. He knew he needed to talk to her, but right now it didn't seem like a good time. On the other hand, they would be leaving tomorrow and it would be worse to announce it at the very last moment. He barely listened to Charlie and Athena talking as he finally made his mind.

"If you excuse me, I think I'll go to bed. It's getting late," he mumbled as he got up.

"Goodnight, Harry." Charlie patted his arm as he passed by him. "See you tomorrow."

Harry walked up the stairs, matching his footsteps with his heartbeat. He reached the first floor faster than he would have liked and found himself face to face with his greatest fear; a door. Gulping, he knocked on the door, hoping Ginny wouldn't be already asleep. Much to his relief - or terror? he wasn't certain - a few moments later she answered the door dressed in her pajamas.

"Harry?" she asked, confused. "Can I help you with something?"

"Can I have a word with you?" he hesitantly asked.

Ginny raised an eyebrow. "Sure, come in."

Harry walked inside, reminiscing the last time he had been there; the Weird Sisters poster on the wall, the view outside of the window, Ginny's lips against his... He mentally shook himself.

"So, what is that you wanted to talk about?" Ginny crossed her arms, although both of them probably already knew what this was about. The tension was there and they couldn't ignore it.

"Listen, uh..." Harry hesitated. It was easier inside his head. Why did it have to be so hard? He gulped. "There's been uh, a change of plans."

"What do you mean?"

"From tomorrow and on, Athena and I will no longer be your bodyguards."

It was clear from her expression that this wasn't what Ginny expected to hear from him. "Why?" she asked, confused.

"Because, the truth is, you are not really Dark Owl's target," Harry tried to explain as best as he could. "And because our boss believes it is in our best interest to focus our resources on the root of the problem."

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