The crazy bludger | 4

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The rest of the week passed smoothly without any incidents. The surveillance was as boring as both aurors had predicted and thankfully for them they had spent a significant amount bonding with their neighbors, especially Mrs Sharon and the McConnell family and their two children, Andy and Melissa. They didn't have the chance to meet all of them, but it wasn't necessary. They just needed to have a typical relationship with them. Harry was glad only for one thing; that he hadn't crossed paths with either Ginny nor Dean yet. The couple was probably informed about the presence of aurors in the area but said aurors' identities remained unknown to them for the time being, and it was probably for the best. It was already hard enough for him being there. 

One night, during the beginning of the second week, Athena finally snapped. 
“This is bullshit,” she proclaimed. 

Harry raised his gaze from the Daily Prophet Ron had managed to secretly send him. “And why is that?”

“We've been here for a week and nothing happens. If she was to be attacked, it would have already happened!”

“Do you think so?”

“This is a waste of time. We should be investigating with the others instead of pretending to be all lovey-dovey to these Muggles.” Athena made a grimace at the memory of kissing Harry a couple of days ago in front of a very ecstatic Mrs Sharon, for the sake of their cover. His predictions had proven right, much to her dismay.

“And why didn't you tell our boss when he called us the other day?” Harry raised an eyebrow.

Athena stammered. “Because he wouldn't have listened!” she eventually exclaimed.

“Listen, I can understand your frustration, but I think you're being impatient here.” Harry tried to reason. “Whoever threatened her probably knows that she informed the Auror Department, so they're being cautious. But it won't take long until they make a move. Just so you see.”

Athena huffed. “Don't tell me you actually want to be here.”

“I just want to do my job right,” Harry deadpanned. “Why don't you play the piano and relax a bit? You're tensed.”

The piano that was located on the far end of the living room was a great relief for both. Harry had no idea his partner could play and his surprise was an utter satisfaction to her, in contrast to her current frustration. 

Athena just ran a hand through her dark hair and just nodded before heading over the instrument. Harry was glad she decided to actually follow his advice. It didn't normally happen just like how she didn't normally get so frustrated over a case. But he couldn't really blame her. Athena was an exceptionally good auror that was efficient in the field. Undercover missions really undermined her abilities. Before they had started working together, she had managed to arrest five Death Eaters all at once. Now, she was trapped in a house with him. Not exactly ideal. 

The house was soon filled with the melodic sound of the piano. Harry found himself enjoying it quite a lot. It was a rare occasion to listen to good classical music, especially Muggle music. It was a relief to their daily stress. Harry enjoyed himself while he looked outside the window and on the background played Rondo Alla Turca by Mozart. Then a cat ran across the street only to jump onto on of the trash bins placed outside Mrs Sharon's house probably in search of its meal. That before the old woman came out holding a small plate in her hand. If Harry read her lips right, she probably told the cat that she didn't have to eat rubbish. The cat wasn't even reluctant to approach Mrs Sharon and eat out of her plate. 

“Well, what do you know?” he hummed softly. “Looks like Mrs Sharon is fond of cats.”

“Most cliché old woman I've seen,” Athena said, not stopping playing, making Harry chuckle. Athena might thought of Mrs Sharon as cliché, but her feeding her cat was the most interesting event of the evening. 

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