In the End, the World | 33

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Harry watched Dark Owl walk towards him, and his grip tightened around Ginny's hand. However, the man didn't make a move against them, rather he placed a hand on his mask and threw it to the ground, revealing his face. He couldn't be much older than Harry himself, although he didn't recognize him.

"Allow me to introduce myself," Dark Owl said. "My real name is Benjamin Buckthorn, although I doubt it makes any difference to you, Potter. I was and still am nothing but a stranger to you."

Harry didn't say anything. He just watched Buckthorn start making circles around them, playing with his wand.

"I wonder how you sleep at night, knowing all the pain you caused, all the damage you've done to the community," Buckthorn continued, faking interest. "Do you have any idea what your heroics have cost to all of us?"

"I might have a clue or two," Harry snarled sarcastically.

"You don't know anything!" Buckthorn yelled, before coming to a halt. He took a breath to regain his composure. "Once, I was like you. Young, in love... I had the future planned for me, until I lost everything. I'm half-blood from my mother's side. She was killed during the first war. Then, I was forced to watch my fiance being tortured before she died at the hands of the Death Eaters."

Harry watched him as he paced, following him with his gaze. At any given moment, they were in danger of getting assaulted.

"My brother and I had to run away, so as not to have the same fate as her... But my brother never made it. The life we lived was horrible, and he died of the hardships we faced on a daily basis. I continued alone for months and months, until I finally managed to sneak back to my hometown and get home, only to find out that my father had been killed during a robbery at Gringotts Bank of all places, where - what a surprise! - Harry Potter and his friends had broken into and freed a bloody dragon in the process!"

"Benjamin, we had no idea," Harry said sincerely. "I'm very sorry. We didn't mean to cause harm to anyone. But we had to get there-"

"I really don't care why you were there, Potter. All I know is, no one ever held you accountable for your crimes," Buckthorn growled. "Esme's husband was at Gringotts, too." He pointed at a figure on his left. Harry recognized Mrs Sharron's silhouette in the mist. "Her only son was accused of treachery after he openly pledged allegiance to Dumbeldore and yourself and the Death Eaters executed him. And I'm sure you're aware of what happened to Parker's sister."

Harry scowled. "At this point, I'm convinced you are either dillusional or you're just fabricating excuses to justify your crimes," he spat. "As I told Parker, no one was forced to fight during that battle. In fact, Headmistress McGonagall encouraged people to flee the castle. If his sister chose to stay, it was her decision to do so. I didn't force anyone to die for me."

"That doesn't change anything," Buckthorn retorted. "Voluntarily or not, you caused their deaths."

"So what? Do you think hurting me will bring them back? And why would you bring Ginny into this? She had nothing to do with all that. In fact, she's yet another victim of my "heroics", to quote Parker." Harry stared at Buckthorn. "If hurting me will bring you any solace, so be it. But leave her out of this."

"I don't think I will do that," Dark Owl declared. "You see, this is more about just revenge. For far too long, the Wizarding World has glorified you, declared you as its hero when you were nothing but an ignorant child. When was the great Harry Potter when all these people were suffering? Oh, right. He was too busy causing their deaths while trying to save himself."

"Buckthorn, I'm sorry about everything you went through. But you've got it all wrong in your head." It was Ginny who spoke. It was the first time to address him. Buckthorn tilted his head in interest.

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