The Ruturn of the King | 32

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Ginny gathered her broom and her uniform, placing her clothes neatly inside her bag. Once she was finished, she pulled the zipper up and she was ready to go. But if she wanted to be honest, she didn't feel ready. She looked around the Harpies' changing room for the last time, feeling an ache in her heart. It would be so strange not to enter this room every other day to get ready for training. It was such a vital part of her daily routine that she couldn't think of doing anything else. However, she needed to go. For now.

The door opened, startling Ginny. It was just Caroline. Her friend's eyes diverted from her to her bag. She seemed to be sharing the same sentiment about Ginny's departure. "I can't believe you're leaving. It feels so surreal," Caroline blurted out.

Ginny laughed. "You tell me."

"All these memories, all these victories we lived together... How am I supposed to do this without you, Gin?"

Ginny rolled her eyes at Caroline's theatrics. She was just so dramatic. "It's just for a season, Carol."

"Just a season? Just a season? Are you even listening to yourself?!" Caroline gasped. "An entire season without Ginny Weasley in the Holyhead Harpies! What a disaster!"

"Okay, now you're just being overdramatic. You guys can do just fine without me."

"For sure. But it's not going to be the same without you, Gin," Caroline said in a more serious tone.

"I appreciate the boost of confidence, but both you and I are well aware that there's no other way."

"I know, I know..." Caroline sighed. "Have you had any news from him at the very least?"

Ginny's heart ached. Him. No, she hadn't heard from Harry since New Year's. She couldn't believe it had been almost half a year since then. It felt like an eternity since the night that changed their lives forever. Almost every night she laid awake, wishing he was there. She missed him terribly, more than she had missed him the last six years.

"No. And I don't expect to," Ginny admitted. "I think... This is one of the things he was trying to protect me from. At least, I have Hermione to sympathize with me."

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot your brother is gone too." Caroline grimaced. "Bloody hell. And here I thought you were just being dramatic."

Ginny punched her playfully on the shoulder. "You are one to talk."

The door of the changing rooms screeched open and their captain emerged. "Weasley, a word please."

Ginny nodded. "Of course." She turned back to Caroline. "Well, I suppose this is goodbye for now."

Caroline rolled her eyes. "Don't pretend you're getting rid of me that easily."

"I wouldn't dream of that." Ginny laughed before embracing her best friend. "I'll see you soon, okay?"


Ginny chuckled before grabbing her bag and following Gwenog to her office. Although she had been there many times, she couldn't help but notice all the banners, the medals, the trophies and the titles Gwenog had acquired with the Harpies. The captain walked around her desk and grabbed some papers before offering them to Ginny.

"Here," Gwenog said. "We're really going to miss you, Weasley. This team isn't the same without you."

"I'll miss this too," Ginny admitted bitterly. "I'm sorry, Gwenog. This year I feel like I've only caused you nothing but trouble."

"Ginny, in the name of what's holy, don't ever say that. It was definitely an unlucky season but... it wasn't your fault," Gwenog argued. "I just hope that once you return, we can give this another go."

"Of course," Ginny nodded. "Although, I must say, all the girls have excellent performance. I believe you can reach the top without me around."

"We will see about that." Gwenog smiled. "You have already helped us secure some very important victories, so it's still a possibility." She sighed. "Anyway, enough of that. I don't want you to think that the only reason why I'm sad that you are leaving is because of the championship."

"I would never think that, Gwen."

"All I'm trying to say is, I'll miss having you around. And I'm not saying this as your captain, but as a friend."

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