The Letter and the Cat | 16

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Ginny locked herself in the bedroom she shared with Dean. She didn't want any interruptions while she read her mother's letter. She traced her fingers along the envelope. There was nothing written on the outside. Somehow, Ginny was both eager and nervous to read this. Last time she had seen her mother, it didn't end well, thanks to her temper. Her brothers hadn't helped the situation either. Carefully, she opened the envelope and retrieved the letter. She came across Molly's very familiar handwriting and started reading.

Dear Ginny,

I hope this letter finds both you and Dean well. Truth be told, I wanted to write to you for a while now, but I never got the courage. Perhaps I was too scared pushing you away and eventually losing you, like Percy. I'm aware things between us haven't been ideal, but I ought to give this a try.

Fleur is pregnant again! She and Bill casually dropped the news yesterday during dinner. Another little Weasley! Another niece or nephew for you, another grandchild for me. I'm so, so excited about this new baby and I hope you're too.

George's shop has been doing great. Angelina and Percy have been an enormous help for him, even if he doesn't really want to admit it. In fact, business has been so good that they're opening a new shop in Hogsmeade this year! They found another partner to support their project. I haven't been more proud - even though I was reluctant at first about this business, both you and I are aware of that.

Charlie was here up until recently. He mentioned that he went and visited you while you were hospitalized in St. Mungos. He's back to Romania now - he seriously cannot be separated from his dragons, I swear.

Ron and Hermione are doing alright. They're both keeping themselves busy with their careers at the Ministry. Hermione has been trying to promote new legislation regarding house elve's rights and Ron is busy with his auror work, as I'm sure you already know.

Your father and I are doing alright. Work for him hasn't been too hectic. I'm sure Dean has mentioned that their department is the least busy currently.

I hope you're happy with your life, my love. That's the most important thing for me. The same goes for your father and your brothers. We only want what's best for you, what makes you happy. I'm aware that harsh things were exchanged between you and your siblings, but I assure you none of them wanted to impose on you. We all miss you terribly.

We've been thinking a lot about you, Ginny dear. We've been worried, especially with the whole situation... We don't have a lot of input on what's going on, Ron doesn't tell us anything, we don't know if you're safe or not. I've been worried sick, Ginny. I wake up every day and I'm dreading bad news... There are nights I can't sleep. I'm afraid something will happen to you and I will not have the chance to see you again and make things right.

I know how stubborn you can be, but please consider bringing Dean over to the Burrow one day. We'd love to meet him and discuss the details of your wedding, but only when you feel ready for that. I will not pressure you, considering everything that's going on in your life at the moment.

You don't need to answer this letter. Just know that I miss you terribly. No matter what happens, I'm your mother and I will always love you.

Stay safe,


Ginny's vision became blurry due to the tears. The truth was, she had missed her family greatly, despite what had gone down between them. Not that she liked how her siblings insisted on how marrying Dean was a rushed decision, but at the end of the day they were still her family. She could go as far as to say that she had overreacted just a tiny bit. The war and its scars had made her less tolerant and less patient, that was for sure.

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