Knockturn Alley | 14

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Harry apparited in an unusually quiet Diagon Alley. It was late afternoon and most shops were already closed by the time he arrived there. There were few people wandering around at that time, most of which were shop owners that had just locked their businesses and were returning home. Harry didn't just stand there. With determined steps, he marched towards Knockturn Alley.

He knew it wasn't a good idea to show up there without backup or even a cover. He wasn't exactly very popular there. A lot of people hanging around there would love to have his head the first chance they got. However, there was only one place Mundungus Fletcher could be hiding and that was Knockturn Alley.

Before he proceeded any further, Harry came to a halt to retrieve his Invisibility Cloak. He never went anywhere without carrying it around, even though he was way too tall nowadays and the cloak didn't cover him entirely. With a little care and a lowered head however, he could manage to sneak around safely. He threw the cloak over his shoulders and made sure no one was able to see his legs before he continued.

Knockturn Alley was vast and it was very easy to get lost in there. And getting lost in Knockturn Alley was the worst thing that could possibly happen to you. Harry was familiar with the area and could navigate easily, but he was aware that there were people that knew the alley like the back of their palm, like Mundungus. Numerous were the times when they chased down criminals in Knockturn Alley and those managed to escape in the labyrinth of alleys where the aurors couldn't follow them. Finding Mundungus wouldn't be easy, especially if he was hiding away from the Auror Department.

It was in his best interest not to wander around long. It was ambitious of him to expect to find Mundungus tonight, but any sort of information he came across would be totally useful. So he stood aside and opened his ears for anything related to the man. Despite the late hours, there were still many wizards and witches hanging out in Knockturn Alley, most of whom had their faces covered and whispered to each other. It was hard for Harry to pick up anything.

Harry stayed there for a while. Stars slowly made their appearance in the sky as night took over. His legs slowly started complaining, and while he was determined, Harry knew he couldn't stay there much longer, much to his disappointment. He was bound to return to Groove Street the next day and making himself exhausted wasn't a very bright idea. He was frustrated. He had hoped to find something on Mundungus, but maybe he was stupid to think that by standing around invisible would get him anywhere. If Ron and his investigation crew couldn't get to him, how was he supposed to just find him? It wasn't realistic. Harry sometimes wondered why he acted so impulsively.

Before he could beat himself about it, Harry finally spotted Mundungus, much to his relief. The man seemed to be in a hurry. The young auror was quick to follow him while remaining invisible. The criminal occasionally would look behind his shoulder. Was it possible he knew Harry was following him? No, there was no way, Harry concluded. It seemed like there was someone else who was also after Mundungus. He needed to be extra careful.

This couldn't be easy, could it now?

Harry picked up the pace. There was no time to deal with whatever mess Mundungus had put himself into. He had to catch up with him and quickly. Harry followed Mundungus in an alley and before the man could disappear in the darkness, he grabbed his arm and pressed him against the nearest wall. The man screeched in horror as he was pinned on the wall by an unseen force. Harry withdrew his cloak, pressing his wand against Mundungus' neck.

"Good afternoon, Mundungus," he snarled at him.

"Harry? Merlin, you scared me!" The man visibly relaxed when he realized it was Harry and not whoever was chasing him. "Long time no see, huh? Listen, I'd love to catch up with you but you see-"

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