Astor Bellchant | 10

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The autumn brought upon a lot of rain, occasional thick fog and strong, cold winds in England. For Harry, it wasn't the rain that bothered him - in fact, the sound of rain and the smell of the moistened ground calmed him down on many occasions - rather than the fog itself. Whenever it appeared, and it appeared quite frequently on english ground, it caused a lot of trouble to the two Aurors, as their visit was severely limited during that time. They could barely make out Mrs. Sharron's house, save for Ginny's which was a little further away. Athena had to cast a couple of very complicated spells in order to keep the fog away so they could have a visual on the famous quidditch player's house. If it happened that the moisture appeared during the night, it was even more difficult to see within fifty meters. Autumn was right against them and was only trying to make life a struggle for the two Aurors.

Harry was in a slighter better place than Athena, who was obliged many times to attend the Holyhead Harpies' training under the rain. He offered to switch places but she refused right ahead. It was both admiring and frustrating how stubborn this woman could be when it came to that. She refused to back off even when one afternoon she returned with a runny nose and red cheeks, claiming that it was just a “stupid flu” and she would be fine within the next couple of days. Harry could only shake his head in disapproval but he wouldn't dare express his thoughts vocally in front of her.

The only thing that improved their dumbened moods was an article on the “Daily Prophet” that appeared within a week from when Harry had submitted the DNA results to the ministry. Athena hadn't gone to the training today since it was cancelled due to the extremely strong wind and had received an owl carrying the newspaper. The poor animal was just so messy and exhausted, having had a really hard time arriving at their temporary house in London, that Athena took pity in it and allowed it to stay inside for as long as it was necessary for it to rest. She opened the “Daily Prophet” and started reading it carefully, something that Harry never thought she'd do. She never seemed to be the type of person who would waste their time going through so many papers. Suddenly, she let out an exclamation that pointed it out her approval.

“Have a look at that,” she said. “Aurors bring in the Ministry an unclued muggle for a case involving a quidditch superstar,” she read the title.

“What does the article say?” Harry asked as he went around the couch to read over her shoulder. Athena started reading out loud.

A Muggle man whose name remains unknown until today was brought in custody a couple of days ago as a suspect for a case concerning a super famous quidditch star. However, the Ministry found no evidence supporting the claim that he was somehow involved and was released after the necessary process of deleting his memory was followed. This man was proven innocent due to lack of supporting evidence, but Astor Bellchant wasn't as lucky as he expected and remains up to this day under custody, despite his numerous claims of his innocence and his threats to sue the Auror Department for “slanderous defamation”, according to his lawyer. There hasn't been much word to why the Ministry would go as far as arresting a muggle or what Astor Bellchant is being accused for, but there should be more information leaked out of the Auror Department - hopefully - soon.

“Who's Astor Bellchant?” Harry asked as he had never heard of the name Bellchant before.

“He comes from an extremely rich and powerful pure-blooded family,” Athena responded. “But I know for a matter that he had his troubles with the Ministry in the past, especially with the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. I doubt he's as innocent as he claims to be.”

Harry furrowed his brows. For someone - according to Athena - like Astor Bellchant to get arrested, Robards must have obtained some serious evidence.

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