Dinner at the Burrow | 13

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It was a rather cloudy October day. It was hard to tell if it was going to rain or not, but the strong wind gave even the best weather forecaster the benefit of the doubt. Although, sunny and warm days weren't anticipated anymore as Halloween approached. Autumn was there and tried to make itself noticeable.

Due to the moody weather, Molly Weasley was obliged to hold the casual family dinner indoors. It was a miracle how all of them could fill in the tiny kitchen of the Burrow: Bill with Fleur and baby Victoire, Charlie, Percy, George and Angelica Johnson, Ron and Hermione, Harry of course, Andromeda Tonks with young Teddy Lupin and Mr and Mrs Weasley.

Harry suspected that an expansion charm had been involved.

The otherwise crumpled kitchen of the Burrow buzzed with noise as everyone talked with each other. Harry had to lean over the table to listen to George as he explained his plans on expanding his business. Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes was thriving and it was only necessary that they opened another shop - in Hogsmeade, to be precise.

"Fred and I always talked about buying Zonko's old shop," George explained. "And it is a good move, strategically speaking. 'Hogwarts' students have always been an important portion of our customers. Now that Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes are going to be instantly available to them..." He trailed off, smirking.

"Unless Headmistress McGonagall bans all items from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes," Percy pointed out.

George rolled his eyes. "Like that ever stopped anything," he deadpanned.

"How are you going to handle both shops, though?" Charlie asked. "I thought there was too much work to be done around."

"Yeah, well that's true but-"

"We've found a partner," Angelina pipped in.

"A partner?"

"Yeah, a partner who's willing to manage the shop in Hogsmeade," said George. "Why? Is that bad?"

"No one said that," Bill defended. "Just caught us off guard, I guess."

"So, who's that partner of yours, George?"Harry asked.

"Tulip Karasu," George replied. "She was in Charlie's year but I met her through Bill," he added, looking knowingly at his older brother.

"I should have known better!" Bill laughed.

"It's really no wonder. You and Tulip will get along perfectly," Charlie commented.

"Correction; they already get along too well," said Angelina. "If anyone can handle the shop in Hogsmeade, that's her."

"Tulip was the biggest troublemaker of my time," Charlie informed Harry. "Alongside, Tonks, of course."

"Are you talking about Tulip Karasu?" Andromeda asked. "I remember her. She was really good friends with Tonks."

The name Karasu was oddly familiar to Harry. "Don't the Karasu's work at the Ministry?" he asked Bill.

Bill nodded. "Indeed. Tulip's parents work at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Ironically, she has always been a rather rebellious spirit and has a disregard for the rules."

"She's just the partner I'm looking for!" George exclaimed.

"And just the kind of partnership Minerva McGonagall doesn't want to ever happen." Harry smirked.

Their conversation was interrupted by Molly Weasley who served lunch and everyone focused on the delicious meal in front of them instead.

"You have really outdone yourself this time, Molly dear," Arthur Weasley praised his wife who blushed slightly.

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