Teddy Lupin | 5

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“What do you mean you got an official complaint against me?”

It was a couple of days after the crazy bludger incident and the two Aurors were reporting back to their boss through the phone as they had agreed. Robards had just informed Harry about an official complaint that was filed against him. 

Ms Weasley filed the report against you. She doesn't want you working on this case.

“That's nonsense! I didn't do anything wrong!” Harry complained. His anger was boiling and he could barely contain himself. But he couldn't just lash out at his boss so he took a deep breath before continuing talking. “Are you going to remove me from the case, sir?”

No, I wasn't planning on doing that actually, considering that there's no valid reason to do so.” Harry sighed in relief. “Besides, I can't afford removing one of my best Aurors in a case like that. There's literally no one to replace you.

Harry sighed in relief. “Alright, good.” 

All I want to know is why would she report something like that.

“I told you sir, I didn't do anything wrong. We haven't even interacted.”

Both you and I are very well aware that this isn't the case. Speak the truth, Potter. I'm not going to judge.

Harry looked at his partner. Athena, who witnessed the whole incident and heard the entire conversation, nodded him. If they couldn't trust their boss then they couldn't trust anyone. 

“You see, me and Ms Weasley have a past together that didn't finish in good terms. She practically hates me,” Harry explained, shame overtaking. 

Hate is a very strong term to use, Potter. The word ‘distaste’ probably fits better.

“I don't think it really matters, sir.” Harry responded, slightly annoyed. “So, what are we going to do?”

Since we haven't heard anything interesting from the investigation crew, you should continue the surveillance. However, we can make some arrangements so you two can take this weekend off, if you want.

“That would be nice, sir.” In all honesty, Harry didn't want to return to Grimmauld Place, but he needed to see how Kreacher was doing and be left alone with his thoughts for a while. Perhaps, he'd pay his godson a visit. It was a good opportunity. 

Alright, we'll talk again. Later Potter.

“Goodbye, sir.” And Harry hang it. 

“So?” Athena asked. “What did he say?”

“Well, apparently Ginny filed a complaint against me.” Harry rubbed his temples. “But Robards won't remove me from the case anyways. He just wanted to know why would she do that.”

“Yeah, why would she?” Athena repeated, sounding annoyed. “You guys have never interacted so far, heck she didn't even realize you were here until recently. Don't tell me she's only doing that because...”

“Because of our little past, yes,” Harry confirmed, despite his partner wish. 

“Honestly, what a bitch!” Athena exclaimed. “And to imagine I saved her sorry ass. I should have left the bludger to break her spine.”

Harry laughed at her theatrics. “Relax. It's not like I didn't see it coming anyway. Besides, since Robards won't remove me from the case, it doesn't matter.”

“The good news are that we're off this weekend. God, finally. I'm tired of seeing your stupid face all the bloody time.”

Harry chuckled. “Honestly, same.”

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