First Week Back

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When I got to the Isle most people ignored me. It was how it used to be. Though I still had my pirate friends. So I was still welcomed back home after my long unneeded vacation. The whole lot of pirates had a party for my attempt in freeing the Isle residents. It was pretty loud and of course Harry and Gil were the ones to drag me back in when I said I was done. They didn't let me rest until they were tired. And the party lasted until the morning. That means it was a lot of rum.

Everyone was drunk or at least tipsy. That means I was too and I couldn't remember much of that night. And I don't really want to know either since I woke up in Harry's room in pain. Yet I had some clothes on. Just not my own clothes. I think these are his clothes. It was a simple white button down shirt black ripped jeans and I still had my hat and sunglasses. My hair was an absolute mess though. I quickly got up only to regret it. As quickly as I got up I also fell. I can't walk.

Harry is a dead man walking. I got back up this time a bit more carefully. And I limped my way down to Ursula's Fish and Chips. I went as quickly as I could without falling over. I bursted into the restaurant and no one looked at not expecting me to speak. "Harry James Hook! What the ever living fuck did you do?!" Everyone jumped at the sudden yelling. They all looked over at me. Harry didn't seem all that surprised. "What did I do exac'ly?" He said with a smug smirk. He knows that I won't yell it across the room.

So I did my best not to limp but that didn't work. Some of the pirates started either laughing, chuckling, or congratulating Harry. I just sat down at the bar. "Rough night?" Uma asked. Before I could answer Harry jumped in. "Aye bu' kept askin' fer it." He leaned closer to me but I pushed him away. "Aww c'mon love." Uma handed me a knife. I gladly took it and threw it at Harry. He quickly ducked to avoid getting stabbed. I turned back to Uma who was smiling. I just rolled my eyes knowing what she wanted to ask.

I just rolled my eyes my eyes at her. "So what actually happened last night?" Uma knows everything so I might as well ask. "Well beside that you were just a drunk flirt after a bottle and a half. And so was Harry so you ended up just going back and forth the entire night leading up to now." I just put my head on the table and groaned. She just pats my back and gives me some food. I looked up and smiled at her. She smiled back and turned on the TV to whatever was on. Nothing good.

All that ever played was new about Auradon. Apparently they thought what I did was so bad that they wanted me locked away here permanently and to never return. "I'm famous now guys." Uma walked me on the head. "Aye but no' in a good way. Ye still can' go doin that again." I looked at him. "Says the crazy pirate boy." And here comes Gil. Innocent as ever. It's a wonder why he's here along with Smee and Jack Sparrow. They aren't even that bad. Something interesting caught my attention on the TV. "Guys shut up already!"

Everyone immediately got quiet and looked at the TV. It was snow white as usual reporting the news. "After the events of now King Benjamin's coronation, he has officially announced that he is dating Mal. Who knew he would be into an ex villian kid. That and more after the break." The TV turned off. "He moved on that quickly huh? Let's see how long this lasts!" I laughed. There's no way he's doing this on his own. He was still crying about what I did when I last saw him. "Yeah, Liam. Who knew your ex would do that?" Said Gil.

I would rather not explain to him what is in store for all of Auradon if we ever get that chance again. "Uma, I want to know something." She looked over at me and away from Harry. "Go ahead." "How long do you think they'll last for?" She thought about it for a minute. "A year maybe." Harry cut in along with Gil. "Give 'er a short few months." "Two years." Wow not that long I guess. "I can wait that long." They looked at me questioningly. "I'm just tired of getting their leftovers. What about you Uma." She agreed.

I sighed and stood up. "It's just the beginning though. Can't count your chickens before they hatch." "What chickens?" I looked over at Gil. "Not literal chickens Gil." It clicked in his brain as an understanding. "Oh I'm going to have fun with this one." They all knew what I was talking about. I've broken up more Auradon couples from where I was standing than I could count. I don't even know how I do it. I guess its like a sort of telepathy thing. It wouldn't count as magic more like a psychic thing. It pretty cool actually.

I made my way out of the bar and back over to where I first was. Harry's room. As much I hate to admit it. He has a really comfortable bed and clothes. I quickly grabbed my brown boots and put them on. I have a long walk ahead of me since where my sister is, is across the Isle. She wanted a big arcade of a place to run so we got it for her after a villian past. Once someone dies here their stuff is up for grabs. I went up to the roof and took in the view.

I started going from rooftop to rooftop. It was a faster way to travel and on ground. It's always crowded down there. So I like to travel by roof most of the time. Unless I need to make a stop. This is going to be a long wait that's for sure.

First chapter. Yay. It's a bit weird at first since in my head it was going throughout the week. The first couple of paragraphs make sense but not the others. Sorry if it's a bit confusing. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one. Bye~

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