Time to Pay Up

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I didn't get far before I ran into someone. I fell back and onto the ground. I looked up and saw that it was Jay and Carlos. I guess they arrived just in time to catch me. Good for them I guess but that was no fun for me. I heard Mal and Evie come down. "Jay knock him out so he doesn't run again." Oh great. I got hit for the millionth time today. It wasn't enough. "Guess you did get weaker cause it used to only take one hut for you to knock someone out." And it went black.

I woke up sometime later and the sun was coming up. Just barely though. They probably had a few hours to get their sorry butts up to pirate's bay. I was sitting in a corner tape over my mouth. And also still had my hands tied behind my back. I guess they got tired of me talking and put the tape on. That's a bit extra if you ask me. Well at least I'm not tied to a chair anymore. So that's a bonus. The boys were in the same room as me. So I can't make a run for it.

I leaned against the wall and waited for them to wake up. My head was pounding as if someone was hitting my head with a steel lead pipe repeatedly. It was painful. Just have to put up with this for a little while longer. They eventually did wake up and and went to grab whatever else they had to grab. They came back into the room and looked just about ready to go. They stopped in front of me like I was an object about to be forgotten. I was quickly dragged to my feet and marched off.

I just realized that Lonnie was here. Why was she here. This isn't her war to fight in. Oh well. Not my problem. We walked to Pirate's Bay in a matter of minutes. Yet we had a few minutes to spare before they throw Ben overboard. What a shame I was hoping to get a show. I was shoved forward and I slightly tripped. It's no fun being the prisoner. We walked over to the bridge connecting the walkways to the ship. We had about five feet between us and Uma's crew. I wish I was on the other side.

After their little rap battle both Ben and I were both brought forward. Harry was complaining about not getting to have any fun. "Ah too easy. How are we sure it isn't fake?" Uma was being cautious of the fake. "Right. All though it may absurd. Turn his bark into a word." Mal did a small wave. Nothing happened. "Talk dog." The dog started speaking. "Does this vest make me look fat." It continued to speak. I can't believe they brought the real thing. Uma laughed then turned serious. "Give me Liam and the wand right now!" "Give me Ben!"

Uma gestured for Harry to cut the rope binding the king. "Never get to have any fun." He muttered as he did as he was told to do. I felt the rope on my wrists was also gone. I got up and took the duck tape off of my mouth. I was again shoved forward but this time someone caught me. It was Harry which I was glad he is here. I stood back up and faced them. Bunch of jerks is what they are. They started to leave rather quickly and kept looking back at us while Uma held the wand.

Uma held up the wand and everyone cheered. "Thought it was fake?" She said smiling. "That's what I heard but I guess they knew what would happen if it was." Uma pointed the wand to the barrier. "By the power of the sea! Tear it down and set us free!" Nothing happened. So it was fake after all. "No! You don't get to win every time!" Uma snapped the fake in half and glared at Mal. Harry tossed a sword to Uma then tossed me my sword. "You're not getting away this time." Uma was really mad now.

She went for Mal as Harry went for Jay. The other pirates went after Carlos and Evie. That left Ben. Pretty boy is mine. He was near one of the beams so that made it easier to sneak up on him. He wasn't looking behind himself so I sneaked around. Just as he turned around I had my sword raised and swung down at a diagonal angle. He blocked it and I went to strike again. He blocked it again. "I thought you were on our side." Oh I forgot about that. I had to think of a quick lie.

I looked around and saw a lot of fighting. "Just go along with it." I smiled and winked at him. He seemed to buy it. I swung again but with a little more strength this time. He started to back up further as I pressed on. Mal intervened as she saw that I was going to push him into the ocean. I back up and saw I either needed to go back to the ship or fight her. She's lucky my dad taught me morality first. I headed for the ship. That was until a cloud of orange smoke appeared in front of me.

I started a coughing fit because not only did it block my vision for the moment it also gave off a strong smell of chemicals. I waved my hand in front of my face to fan away the smell. The smoke started to clear away and I saw Harry pointing behind me. I turned around and saw that Mal was about to push the platform connecting the tunnel and the walkways off. I didn't realize that I was standing on it. I quickly ran off it just as she kicked it off. I made it to the other side.

Uma ran the other way to try and catch up to them. I was trying to catch my breath. I can't believe it. I was so close to achieving the wand. Next time I won't fail and that's a promise.

Hey guys I hope this turned out well and wasn't confusing. I almost forgot some parts again. But I did make sure to change the plot so this story will be longer. I was planning to follow the original plot line I had. Then again the story just writes itself. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one. Bye~

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