Different Price to Pay

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I was walking down the market since Uma wanted me to get her some decent food. I only went because she said she would get me some better boots since mine were falling apart. And I also somehow in her opinion pick the least rotten food. This was also during her morning shift and by the time I get back it'll be over. As I was about to grab some bread a bigger hand grabbed my wrist. I look at the person who decided to touch me with their filthy hands and saw Jay. His grip wasn't that tight so I pushed him off and ran.

I pushed passed many angry people and shoved some out of the way. I could hear Jay catching up to me. I guess those tourney games are doing him favors. I pushed some crates in the way and saw a fire escape in an alley way not to far away. I started to run faster getting there was easy but climbing after running an unplanned marathon wasn't. I stopped for a few seconds but that was long enough for him to catch up to me. I grabbed the sides of the ladder only to be pulled back down.

I was pulled into a person. I knew it was Jay so I kept fighting and struggling to get free. "Let me go!" I was pressed down on the ground face first. Jay didn't let go instead he called for Mal to come out. "This should even the odds. Shouldn't it." She squat down to look at me. I gave her a glare and continued to try and get free. "You shouldn't have messed with me. Now then bring him to the hideout." Jay got off of me and lifted me up and carried me away. I'm screwed.

I was thrown over his shoulder my hands somehow magically tied behind my back. I decided to be a pain and kicked Jay in the stomach. He dropped and held his stomach in pain. I took the opportunity to get up and attempt to escape. That plan failed since he quickly recovered and caught up to me. And then punched me to try and knock me out. Which he didn't but it made my vision all hazy. The whole world felt like it was spinning and I had a sharp pain in my head. I was feeling entirely dizzy.

I was picked back up again and carried away. Jay carried me up the stairs and threw me into a chair. Carlos came over to tie me to it and then left to do something else. Mal however decided to choose violence today and make me mad. "So how does it feel to be utterly useless and powerless?" I only smiled and looked her dead in the eye. "I don't know. How are you feeling today princess?" This seemed to hit a nerve with her. She's so easy to make mad that it takes all the fun out of it.

"Well I don't go running off with a smelly pirate." Oh that's just a low blow. "At least I don't run away from my problems or go and date someone else's ex." Evie came over to try and calm Mal before it escalated. "C'mon guys we shouldn't be doing this." Mal backed off. "Says the one who probably helped in planning to kidnap me." Mal was about to say something else but Evie stopped her. She turned to me. "What did she do to change you? You were so nice on Auradon." Oh great here comes another person trying to convince me I'm good.

"Nothing happened really. It was just an act to get the wand. Which you all forgot about." She stiffened when I said that. She's feeling guilty I can tell. She walked away leaving me alone. Not that I mind much it gives me a chance to collect my thoughts. And let's me think of a way to escape. I mean they left me near the entrance and I'm on a wooden chair. I could smash the chair and make a run for it. That would cause too much noise though. Plus this gives me the opportunity to know their plans.

So staying might not be so bad. Though it would end up with me staying longer than I should. Harry would get worried and then Uma would shorten the time to when they had to give up the wand. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard them talking. It was muffled but I heard them say something about a fake wand and smoke bombs. They stopped talking and I heard shuffling. I saw them all come out of the other room. "So who's babysitting him?" They all looked and me then each other in a silent debate.

The girls took off leaving me with dumb and dumber. "It's only me. I can't do anything while I'm tied up." This didn't convince them to leave. It was silent for a few minutes before Jay sighed and dragged Carlos out and left. I waited a minute before I start struggling. I had to give them a minute to fully leave so I can make all the noise I want to. I quickly stood up still tied to the chair and slammed it onto the ground. It didn't work the first time so I had to do it again.

This happened a few more time until the chair had finally broken. My wrist were still tied together so that was a problem for later. I ran out the entrance and down the stairs. No one was standing guard so that made things easier. I ran to the short cut to Pirate's Bay. Seeing as my hands were tied behind my back it was more of a jog to get there quickly. I saw the ship and Ben was now tied to the mas of the ship. I guess they moved him while I was out for a long while.

I saw Uma and Gil talking and Harry being a bit more edgy. Nothing out of the ordinary other than that though. I walked over to them. They seemed happy to see me. "Hey guys." Harry rushed over and hugged me. I would've hugged him back if it weren't for my hands being tied together. He realized this and cut the rope. He stood back. "Where have yeh been?" "Oh have I got some news for you."

Sorry this took so long again. I was running out of ideas. Also the picture at the top is was Liam and what he was supposed to look like at the beginning of the story. If he looks a bit then I'm sorry because I didn't have his original design from before. Also I might start posting on YouTube. My creator name will be LoyalPanda15. Anyways I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one. Bye~

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