Party Time

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After I finished I walked out of the bathroom. "Wow, you look fancy." Uma commented. "Same goes for you. All my life I've never seen you wear a dress." She shoved me a little and then turned to Ben with a serious look. "So who's gonna be going with him as his date?" She asked me completely ignoring the fact that he was still in the room with us. "I could go with him since I used to date him." She nodded and motioned for me to follow her. I did so without any questions since this is her plan.

Plus with her automatically giving orders and having a plan set up it's kinda scary to question her. A guy did that once when she was planning on stealing from Jafar. Which is dumb to do without a plan in mind. Anyway the next day he wasn't the same to say the least. I don't remember the exact details of what happened though. But it was terrifying to witness what had happened. So that's what happens if you question Uma's orders. I still get chills of happened. And she was ten years old at the time too. Just don't it.

We walked out of the room at some point in time. Uma and I were in a separate vehicle so we didn't draw any suspicion to us. Plus we also had to sneak onto the boat. The limo ride was boring and uneventful. This what, the third time I've been in one. It gets boring at some point in time. The limo driver also didn't question why I was here or why Uma was here. Either he didn't notice or wasn't paid enough to care. I think it might be the same guy from when I first came here though.

Once we arrived most of the students were already there so it wasn't hard to sneak in. We made our way to the room that Ben was waiting in. He looked at us, well more at me specifically. "You guys ready?" I nodded and so did Uma. I don't feel like talking much right now. The only thing I'm trying to focus on puking at the moment. I'm nervous okay. I haven't done this whole public arrangement in a while. So this was pretty nerve racking for me. Especially now that I have to fake being his boyfriend a second time.

Ben walked out of the room and Uma followed. I followed after Uma so we can keep me a secret for a bit longer. I heard the guy introduce Mal first and then introduced Ben to the crowd. I don't know why they did since those two are all over the news and the perfect little couple. So cute. I snapped out of my thoughts when Ben called for me. Well he just held his hand out and Uma elbowed me to pay attention. We walked out and I took his hand. Everyone gasped in either shock or horror.

Mal seemed sad to see that I was here in her place next to Ben. I could see Mal start tearing up as I just smiled and waved. I held my hand out for Uma and she came. She smiled a big smile and I walked back over to Ben. Mal came over looking defeated. "Did you go back for them?!" I cut in before he could answer. "No, actually we dove through the barrier before it closed and swam over here." He wrapped an arm around me and I leaned into the touch. I didn't enjoy this one bit.

But I enjoyed making little Mally-boo jealous. Sadly it had to end quicker since Evie decided to get herself involved with this whole thing. "Unveil now!" I didn't know what she was talking about. "And now king Ben's gift to Mal." A drape dropped off of a stained glass picture of Mal and Ben. Ben seemed to be coming back to reality. "Put that back up!" I ordered one of the people. I composed myself and turned to Ben smiling. "Why don't you tell them the gift you got for me?" Ben smiled and turned to the big audience.

"My gift to Liam will be. That the barrier surrounding the Isle will be taken down. Permanently. Fairy Godmother if you would please." Everyone gasped in shock and the old hag backed away. "I will most certainly not!" This seemed to tick Ben off. "I am you king!" And just to spite her I added. "Obey him!" Everyone seemed shocked that Ben lashed out at someone like that. "Son, we need to talk-." Ben quickly cut him off. "Not now dad! Dad...?" Oh crap we're losing him. Uma nudged me to do something. I looked at her for any ideas.

Without thinking I grabbed his head and directed his attention towards me. The only thing that seemed to work was sweet nothings. So that's all I said to him. While making sure he still went along with the plan. Of course nothing works out in my favor. Mal decided to invite herself into a very important conversation. "Ben. Look at me." "No Ben, look at me." We fought for his attention. "Ben look at me." He looked at her as she shoved me away. I stopped listening when she got all emotional. It didn't give a good look at all.

Mal then after her long and boring speech decided to kiss Ben. Uma had a back up plan. She ran over to the edge of the boat. Everyone gasped and Mal tried to stop her. "Uma don't. You can have your chance. You can change if you're willing to. Just take my hand." Uma stared at her then jumped over. Mal ran over and looker over the railing of the boat. There was a glowing ocean green light coming from underneath the water. Everyone started screaming when a giant blue tentacle came out of the water. I just stood there calmly.

Uma burst out of the water smiling a wicked smile. "Let's get this thing going already! I have a pirate at home waiting for me." I called to Uma. She waved me off and continued on. Things just got even more interesting.

Hi sorry this a long time again. I planned for this to be on mother's day but I spent the day with my mom and her dogs which are super adorable. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one . Bye~

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