Party Planning

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Uma came back but she didn't seem to be entirely disappointed. I saw her holding a leather book. The book seemed to be worn down and beaten up a bit. It also had bright green and some purple on it with black. Uma walked over to us holding up the book. "I think I just found our ticket out of here and to Auradon." Oh that was Mal's book. Wonder where she got it from. "It was left on the ground near the north side of the island." Well that answers my question rather quickly. What's so important about it.

Just as I was about to ask Uma answered it like she was reading my mind. "It contains all the spells she fail to memorize so we can use this to our advantage." Got it. "Also Liam since you know your way around there you're coming with me." Harry was about to protest against me going but I cut before he could. "Sure. I'll be your guide. And Harry don't worry about me, I'll be fine." "Fine, but ye better come back in one piece. Deal?" I smiled at him. "It's a deal." I did get a hug which I gladly returned.

I am not one for physical contact but I'll make exceptions to people I have a certain trust with. I let go of him and went to Uma who was waiting for me. We headed to the part where we had a clear view of Auradon. "So how do we get off." She stood there for a moment before answering. "Don't worry our ride's almost here." I'm confused now. What does Uma mean our ride is almost here. I saw something in the distance coming closer to the Isle. It looked to be a car or a limo something of the sort.

As it came closer I saw someone inside of it. "Is that Ben driving?" She had a smile on her face that would put the Cheshire Cat to shame. "Yes indeed. Let's just say while you were gone we had a little 'talk'." Oh I see what she means. As the limo pulled up Uma pulled out her shell necklace. The same one that Ursula used on Prince Eric. Guess that thing finally has a reason to be used. We got in and I sat the farthest away I could from the driver's seat. I just have issues is all.

As soon as we got settled in the limo he started to drive back to Auradon. Thus gives me memories that I would rather like to forget. Sadly I can't do anything about it. The ride to Auradon was a silent drive. Not the awkward silence but more of the 'it's only awkward if you attempt to start some small talk' kind of silence. Uma and I went over the plan while we were waiting and I didn't like it but I had to do it. I just wanna take a nice long nap and hopefully never wake up again.

Damn I could've asked for that a while ago. Now I can't do that since Maleficent decided to turn herself into a gecko. Well it's too late now. Ugh I'm getting side tracked I need to focus on the plan and not screw things up. All we have to do is stick to the story that we have and get the wand... easier said than done. Why didn't I just grab the wand when I had the chance to when I was last on Auradon. Why did I have to be so dumb back then. It was literally right in front of me.

No time to regret the past right now. We arrived at Auradon and Uma and I got out of the limo. Ben drove off to go park it to its original parking spot. Wherever that may be. "So where to first?" I asked Uma since I didn't know where she wanted to go. "We need to get clothes for Cotillion obviously first. Then we get on the cruise ship and take down the barrier." I almost forgot we had to dress up for events. This is another reason I never liked it here. We had to dress up.

Lucky for me I still remembered where Ben's dorm is. So we can just go there and grab some clothes from there and call it good. "Follow me. We can just take some clothes from Ben." She nodded and followed me as I led the way to my old dorm room. As long as we don't run into anyone we should be fine walking there. I think they might be in their own dorms if they are doing the same thing as they did for the coronation. They all stayed in their rooms to get ready for one night.

As soon as we got to the dorm I saw that it was as blue as ever. Nothing has changed much other than the fact my stuff was no longer there and the scattered papers everywhere. I still hate it. Ben was already in the dorm room holding two bags that have hangers in them. I'm assuming these are the clothes he's going to have us wear. Uma grabbed hers first and went into the bathroom. So now I was stuck here alone with princy. Lucky me. I sat down on the random couch as he just stood there.

I grabbed my outfit for this evening from him and sat down to wait for Uma to come out of the bathroom. It was quiet except for the outside world which had birds and animals running about. Other than that, it was pretty awkward between us. "I've been thinking." Ben started. I already don't like where this is going. "What did I do wrong to make you break up with me? I won't do anything crazy. Just... tell me." This again. Seriously?! "You did nothing. We were just too... different. Plus I practically handed Auradon over to Maleficent. That's all."

He walked over and sat on the bed next to me. "I know that's not all. Please tell me." He grabbed my hand. I pulled my hand away. Uma finally came out of the bathroom with her hair in a messed up looking bun. "Can you help me Liam?" I nodded and walked over to her taking the clothes with me. Once I finished putting Uma's hair up in a bun I walked into the bathroom to get changed. The clothes weren't half bad.

 The clothes weren't half bad

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Sorry if the clothes are bad but I was half asleep when I made them. Also check out my new YouTube channel LoyalPanda15. I have a couple of things posted in shorts. As soon as I'm comfortable with the platform and school is over I'll be posting small updates on stories and gcmv type of things. Also I'm sorry this took so long I have missing assignments to catch up on again. And I have a bunch of tests to take. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one. Bye~

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