A Deal's a Deal

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We got hip to finally sit still long enough for us to explain what his role was in our plan. It took a lot of convincing just for him to stay put. But no convincing to kidnap the King. It was almost too amusing to see him light up when he got a role in this. We quickly got the other pirates on board with this plan. They were plan B incase Mal doesn't fall through with our deal. That's where I come in. I set the price and make sure that we get the wand. And that it's real.

Gil went out and had in an alley way so he could grab Ben when he had the chance. Harry was there so he could deliver the threat. It was one of the things he was good at. I was there just because I wanted to be. Gil quickly grabbed Ben and pulled him into the alley. "What's goi-" I put my hand on his mouth to shut him up. "You're going to ruin the fun being that loud." I told him. He seemed surprised to see me with them. I guess he only saw me as a perfect little boyfriend still.

Sucks for him I guess. Harry walked out of the alley and I followed him. Uma also told me to come in case things had gone south. I could here Evie calling for him. "Oh Ben don't scare us like that." She seemed relieved. "Who's with you?" Harry only laughed. "Don't scare yeh? But that's my speciality." I followed him closely behind. "I didn't think you'd forget me that easily. After all I was the only one to go through with your plan." They all stiffened at the sound of my voice as I came out of the fog.

I nudged Harry to do the thing. "Oh righ' Uma wants Mal to come down to the chip shop alone. She go' some unfinished business." Jay grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "Seems like you've lost your touch Jay." Jay didn't let him go. I pulled a dagger out and grabbed Evie. "I would suggest you let him go if you want the princess wannabe to live." He let Harry go after a minute. I pushed Evie to them and pulled Harry towards me. "I wouldn't suggest going against Uma's wishes if I were you." I said.

I turned to walk down the market area Harry following in suit. I knew Gil would be already on his way back to pirate's Bay. I stopped to let Harry catch up with me since I kind of sped off without him. I looked at him sheepishly as he shot me a small glare for almost leaving him behind. He grabbed my hand so I don't go ahead without him again. We walked back to the ship and onto the deck. I saw a whole lot of other pirates here. I almost felt like a fish out of water. Pun intended.

I saw Gil holding a struggling Ben. I walked over to them. I saw Uma was already there trying to get some answers out of Ben. "Uma! Need some help?" She gave me a pleading look that seemed done with it all. Ben on the other hand seemed to be begging for me to convince them to let him go. "Do whatever you can to get this boy talking." I nodded at her command. I walked over to Ben who had a pleading look. "Why are you helping them?" I laughed. What is it with him needing to know everything.

"Because I don't care about Auradon. Gil take him to the lower deck into the room on the right." Gil nodded and dragged Ben away. I turned to Uma with another plan. "Do you think I could convince him I'm being forced to do this?" She thought about it for a minute before smiling. "He's gullible. Go for it and make sure it's believable." I nodded and walked down into the lower deck. It smelled musty of damp wood. But it was nice. I walked into a room that was on the right and saw Ben tied to a pole.

Time to put on a performance of the year. I walked over to him and gave him a worried look. "Ben! I'm so sorry that I had to do that up there!" I kneeled down to his level and hugged him. "I had no choice otherwise I would be thrown over board. But I swear I'll get you out somehow." He looked up at me and smiled. "I knew you would come around. Just keep up your act and the others will come save us both." I nodded. Why is he so dependent on them to save him? It's pathetic really.

I walked out of the room and saw Uma waiting for me. "So did he take the bait?" She said looking over at me. "Of course he did. All I had to do was put on a few fake tears and he thinks that I'm lying to you." We both walked up onto the deck and back to the restaurant. Uma was there busy serving tables and I was helping out on the occasion. Gil and Harry were somewhere else doing who knows what. I was talking to one of the pirates at a table when she walked into the building.

Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at Mal. "I'm back~." Uma was already at the closest table to her. "Loser party of one. Right this way." "This place still stinks." Before Uma could say something I cut in. "Oh so sorry your highness we had one guy sick from spoiled food." She seemed nervous to see me here. Uma shoved a chair in her direction and mal caught it. They both fake smiled at each other. They both sat down opposite of each other. "Y'know I've dreamed of this day. Watching you squirm like a worm on a hook."

They both got ready for an arm wrestling match. "Oh that's nice you still dream of me. I haven't given you a single thought since I left." I stood on the side as a referee. "Clearly. You can stick a tiara on a villian but you're still a villian." "And you can slap a pirate hat on but you're still shrimpy." This angered Uma a lot. They were both tied but Mal's eyes started to glow seeming to make her stronger. "Tell her our end of the deal since she knows hers." "Oh right, you bring us the wand and little princy is free to go."

Mal immediately lost as she was shocked to here us call a deal for the wand. The pirates started cheering seeing as Uma had won. "Tomorrow noon sharp. And if you're late then you can kiss your prince goodbye."

Okay this chapter was longer than the other ones. Mainly because I felt bad for not posting for a while. Also I'm sorry if I forgot any parts or lines. I was wither to lazy to write them or actually forgot how the scene goes. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one. Bye~

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