A Few Months Later

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I was sitting at the bar again. Maybe Uma was right about them lasting a year. I was starting to give up until the news came back on. It was the same crap again. Just in on the 'royal power couple' and other crap. Why did I decide to let myself get washed up like this. But on the bright side I got into a relationship with Harry. I guess that's a bonus of coming back. I think Mal would cry if she heard of this. I know she had a huge crush on Harry at some point in time.

Harry came in whistling a tune to who knows what at this point. He sat down next to me at the bar. It was normal to throw insults at the TV. "Rotten traitor. Having the perfect little. Doesn't she have the perfect little life?!" Everyone started agreeing with her automatically since she was right about it. "Yet she always gets my leftover of a boy." Uma smirked at my comment. That had seemed to make her feel a little bit better than before. "You're right. I guess I'm not the only one getting the leftovers." Soon everyone was raging at Mal.

Mainly about how they left everyone her to rot while they get a happily ever after. "But soon the world will know my name!" She grinned madly. Uma grabbed Harry and asked her name. She proceeded to do the same with Gil. "What's my name? What's my name?" She asked everyone in here. "Uma!" We all said in unison. It wasn't unlikely that someone didn't know her name. She liked go have control so of course she was captain of this crew. But she also liked a gamble every now and then. That's why she kept me around here.

Soon after they were done singing Ursula's tentacle came and wiped at Uma. "Shut your clam!" Ooh feisty. And definitely not in a good mood today. The pirates went back to what they were originally doing. "If only we could get off of the Isle." She slumped over the counter. "Don't worry so much Uma. I'm sure that day will come soon. And you know my guesses are almost too accurate." She smiled at me knowing that I was usually right about these sort of things. Even if I try not to guess the time it was still pretty accurate.

It's a strange concept along with the telepathy thing. I just learned not to question it since my dad was the one of the few villians that used voodoo magic instead of real magic. And voodoo magic is not really something you want to question the logic of. It just makes sense if you don't. "Aye, I would agree with tha'." I jumped at the sound of Harry's voice. I had completely forgotten that he was sitting right next to me. He laughed at my sudden movement. "Oh come down love it's only me." I shot a slight glare at him.

He only smiled his usual smile at me. He leaned closer to me. I put my hand in his face and pushed him away. I accidentally pushed him too hard and he fell out of his chair. Uma and Gil started laughing and Harry shot a playful glare at me. I just stuck my tongue out at him. He quickly kicked my chair causing me to fall out of my seat. I landed on my butt and I threw a random paper at him. He started laughing with Gil and Uma. I just got up from the floor.

If that's how he really wants to play. Then game on. I jumped over to him and tackled him. I pinned him to the floor. And he only smiled. "Love, ye realize we're in public righ'?" I looked at him confused before realizing the position we are in. I was straddling his waist with my hands on his shoulders. I felt my face quickly heat up as he sat up. "I never said I was against it though." He said wrapping his arms around my waist. I just covered my face in hopes that death will take me soon or right now.

I got up after a minute or two of just sitting there. "I hate you." He just smiled and got up off of the floor. "Aww love you." I rolled my eyes. I'm just about ready to leave here since there was not really much to do. Maybe I can go mess with Mal a little bit more. Who knew that she would last this long. Or I could go see what unfortunate soul would like to take up a gamble with me. Though I'm pretty sure that no one would since I don't lose that often.

Decisions, decisions. I mean I could try and win a couple of bets or go visit my dad. It has been a while since I've seen that old fart. "Welp I'm gonna go see my dad. I'll see you guys later." They all waved bye and Harry hugged me as if it's the last time I'll see him. It was the same hug he gave me every time I leave this building. But at the same time I at least know that it's genuine. I smiled and waved bye and walked out the door. Now time to see my old man and sister.

I think I still know the way from the last time I was going there. It was down past the Curl up and Die by a couple of blocks. Then I have to take a right at Jafar's scam shop which is a rip off. And that is why I call it a scam shop even though that's not the actual name of the store. Anyways, I think after that it was be about two more lefts then a right. Easy to find, hard to get in. They set up a whole security system. It was a little excessive.

At least for me it was. They didn't seem to have a problem with it though. It was just a beat that you had to memorize. They made it extra long so no one could fully remember it. And that was for the back entrance. The front is a bit easier to do. After all what could I miss when I'm gone fore a couple of hours.

I hope you guys enjoyed this other story filler. I was kind of rushing in my writing since I'm feeling bad for leaving then coming back. I have also quit posting on tik tok. You all can check out my last post if you're curious on what it says. But I hope to be posting again on that platform. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll you in the next one. Bye~

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