A Bit of Gambling Never Hurt

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I was stuck being bored again. There was nothing to do at home so I came back to the restaurant without thinking too much about it. I walked in and saw Harry was already there. He seemed to know something. I sat next to him at the bar as usual. Just the same thing like every other day. Though I grew to liking it this way. At least now I know some things won't change. For now anyways. "I've got a wee bi' of news." Harry said. I looked at him. That's something new. I guess I was wrong about today.

I gestured for him to continue as I was used to doing. Even though it's been a few months I'm still not used to thing often. "The witch finally returns." He said grinning. "Wait, are you being serious right now?!" He nodded. I have been waiting forever for this moment. "Do Uma and Gil know yet?" I'm already forming a plan in my head. "No' yet they don'." So that's why he got here a bit early. "So you were just waiting here for one of us to show?" He nodded again. It was the best thing that's happened.

I quickly got up and hugged him before leaving. He seemed confusedcat first, but realized what I was doing. I was on my way to go mess with Mal a bit. She was an easy target at this point. Everyone here either hates her guts or straight up ignores her entire existence. Kind of ironic don't you think. She used to be someone that everyone was afraid of but now she's just another washed up villian. I quickly made my way to their old 'secret' hideout. It was really just an old run down building they found to hangout.

It was in plain site near the market. All you have to do is walk straight down. I grabbed a rock and through it at the sign. I saw them open it a couple of times before. I quickly walked up the stairs and saw Mal. She seemed to have gotten rid of the obvious fake blond look. The only thing that actually changed about her is her hair. "Well looked what the cat dragged in. Another reject from Bore-a-don." She glared at me. "I could say the same thing about you. I guess it wouldn't matter that much."

She smirked like she had won. "Well I, unlike you, didn't run away from my problems." I smiled at her look of surprise. "What do you know anyways?! It's not like it's any of your business." She's already losing herself. I walked closer to her just prove my point. "Wow, we're only a few words in and you already look like you want me dead. You've changed. You're getting weak." I leaned down on my last words. I laughed and turned to walk out. I felt a tug on my wrist. I turn back around to look at the failed villian.

She stared at the ground not saying anything at all. "If you don't say something then I'll just leave." She slowly looked up with tears almost forming. "I-" she was too slow. "Look if it's something about your feelings then I don't care." I bluntly said. She let go of my wrist and I quickly left the building. Now I have to go and disinfect my arm and clothes. I planning on just making a quick trip to go mess with her a bit. Not to go and talk about how she feel and all that kind of crap.

If you couldn't tell by now I'm not the touchy feelly type of person. It just doesn't sit right with me if it's someone I don't care about. If it were to be someone I actually cared about that's a whole other story. I made my way back to the restaurant. Pirates bay is my place to hang out and mess around and stuff. I even got to meet Mr. Smee and Captain Hook. Thanks to Harry of course but that was before we started dating. I think Harry had this thing planned out from the beginning. He's a special one.

Anyways back to my little journey. I went directly to the bar and sat down. "Uma... do you have a knife or saw on hand?" She didn't hand over anything yet. "Why do you ask? Are you going to threaten someone or kill them?" She said. "I'm going to cut off my own hand." I guess Harry hadn't told her yet. I gave her the look when Mal first poked me. "So th fairy finally returns." This is gonna be good. "Oh c'mon I was jus' 'bout to tell yeh." I heard my favorite boy. It was Harry.

I turned around to see him pout a little bit. We may be seventeen but he still has the spirit of a child. This could be the never land to the villians. Since we never actually grow up and remain a child at heart. "Yeh know I was just 'bout to say somethin' love." I smiled knowing he was either going to tell Uma today or tomorrow. "Aww but where's the fun in that? You know I love to mess with the people I'm going to gamble with before the game even starts." He chuckled knowing how I love to gamble.

Just a few words could throw off an entire game. It would just have to be the right ones to intimidate your opponents. "So you think Benny boy will show?" Uma asked. I turned back to her. "Of course. As long as he is still under her love spell. He'll come running back like a dog to its owner." Uma was planning something i could tell. "When he does show he'll more likely than not have company." I know what she's getting at. "Separate the sheep from the rest of the herd. Smart. Just have Gil do it."

She knows that I know that Gil was basically the muscle of the group and so was Harry. "Harry can deliver the threat. And you can set the bargain and time limit. I'll deal with the princess." I don't know what else she was thinking but I know it was plan B if things go south.

Hi again. I don't know if you read my notes at the end but that doesn't matter. I just figured out how to take screenshots on my new phone all I have to do now is recreate all my OCs. Don't worry I'll have Liam as his original design just updated to fit this book. I might go post on YouTube but I'm not sure yet. Let me know if I should start posting there. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I will see you in the next one. Bye~

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