Playing Victim

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Uma now knew of what they were going to do. She decided to play along with it so they wouldn't get suspicious of our knowledge. "Liam go back to the hideout and Harry go with him and tie him back up. And make it look like you've been there all day." I nodded and did a slight bow since why not. My dad said to only do it to people who actually worthy of bowing your head to. Me and Harry quickly left and set out to go make me look like I've been tied up there the whole time.

After we arrived the hideout was still luckily enough empty. Harry brought rope and a chair over. I put the chair in the spot where it was supposed to be and cleaned out all the broken pieces of the old chair. "Y'know if this were another time it would lovely seeing you tied up." I rolled my eyes and sat down in the chair. "If only. Maybe another time though." Harry smiled and tied my hands together and then actually tide me to the chair. He left after making sure I'll be fine which took a solid few minutes to convince him of. He left quickly so he wouldn't be caught.

I sat there for an hour or so before I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I pretended to be asleep as most people would take a nap when bored. But me being me I usually can't sleep most of the time. I heard Evie and Mal talking to each other. Well more like arguing about something. "I just don't get why we need him here." "Because if we have him then Uma will be more willing to hand over Ben." They kept going back and forth. I raised my head a little and saw an empty room.

I guess they left to go do something else while they waited for the dumb duo to come back with the fake wand. I looked up at the ceiling and saw a lot of cracks in it. Not even the ship has that many in the ceiling. I might as well start scooting my way to a wall so I can take a nap. As soon as I moved the chair a loud scrape against the floor emitted. I cringed at the sound before ignoring the rest of the loud noises to come. I heard running once I finally got to the wall.

Mal was the first to arrive followed by Evie. "What?" I said as I tilted the chair back. "What are you doing?! You're not supposed to move!" I looked at her with a bored almost dull expression. "Well sorry but they didn't have a manual on how to act when you've been kidnapped for the first time." This makes Mal mad, well even more mad than before. She walked over and punched me it hurt and was most definitely going to leave a bruise. That makes hit number two. Once on the right temple and the other on the lower left jawline.

Man they're just taking cheap shots since I'm tied up and they're not. I smiled and I could taste a small but of blood. I spat at her feet making her back up. "What is the little princess afwaid of a wittwe spit?" I said in a baby voice. She was fuming at this point and I laughed at her. This is almost too easy. Just getting a reaction is funny but gets old really quick. She smacked me across the face this time and then left the room to do something other than hit me.

It actually stung I was expecting her to just throw a tantrum in the other room. My sunglasses were now off my face and I froze with my head still in the same position. I slowly looked down in front of me. I slowly started to chuckle turning into a full on roar of laughter. They both looked at me as if I was the one insane. I mean they aren't wrong but still at least try and hide it. "What a performance! Quite the show little dragon. But still lacking something." I was looking at her searching for it.

She backed out of the room and went to go do something else. Evie stood there for a bit before leaving. I silently cursed under my breath because that slap hurt. I felt a slight trickle down my cheek. I guess she might have scratched me a bit when she slapped me. I just have to put up with this for a little while longer. They have until twelve o'clock sharp to get the want to Uma. But the only thing is that it's going to be fake. At least that's what they said. They have their king on the line.

So they don't have much of a choice but to bring the real thing to her. Then again I'm also on the line so if anything goes wrong I could end up a prisoner of their own to play with. Ugh why can't they just do as they are told and follow in line like the rest of those stupid Auradonians. They just had to make things more complicated then they had to be. And I can't do anything but literally sit here and do nothing. Man the one day I had a sort of a day to myself.

Can't I get a break from being wrapped up in this sort of drama. I wanted something interesting to happen. What I didn't want is to be kidnapped and used to bargain for someone else's life. I started to hit my head against the wall in a steady rhythm to not only to try and forget what's happening but to keep myself occupied with something. It's really boring just sitting here and doing nothing. "Hey can I get some food while I'm here!" I was only met with silence. I wasn't really expecting an answer but it didn't hurt to ask.

What if I escape again. Maybe that will cure my boredom before I rot away because of it. Sounds like fun. I stopped hit my head and stood up and slammed the chair on the ground. I'm sure they heard it. I did it again but quicker and harder. The third try worked and the chair broke. They both came running in as I ran out the door. Well it's time for a wild goose chase. Just gotta stall for time.

Hey guys I wanted to post thus sooner but my phone got taken away. Plus I had very little motivation to do anything today and yeah. I hoped you guys enjoyed this filler of a chapter since I wanted you guys to have something to read also do you guys want to do a Q&A? I'll answer any question you guys have to the best of my ability. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next. Bye~

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