Akashi x Reader (Fix me)

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"I don't need your protection! I can do well on my own! I am absolute after all! I never want to see you anymore!" You are too stunned by Akashi's words. All you did was protect him from the ugly bullies that wants his money.
"H-hai.. I'm sorry,Sei--"
"Don't speak my name with that filthy mouth of yours! It digusts me!"
"Sorry, Akashi-kun" you faced the floor and tried your best not to let the tears flow down.
You ran away from him.
You always thought it was your duty protecting him. After seeing him got kidnapped when both of you were young, you trained your body and even enrolled yourself in martial arts.
Weeks had passed and you are consistently avoiding him. Every path he takes you go the opposite way.
Once, you two got face to face, and out of nervousness you jumped to the nearest window. Good thing your floor was not that high off the ground.
You got used to avoiding him and now you are making your way back to your home room when you saw Akashi walking towards you. You looked everywhere for possible exit but there's nothing to be found but another window. 'Not this again' you thought to yourself and prepared to jump but a firm grasp in your arms stopped you.
"What are you doing?" Akashi asked you with his usual serious face
"M...me?" You point your index finger to yourself and asked him
"No I was talking to the window -- Of course you!"
"U..ummm. Shortcuts? Thought you don't want to see my face" you mumbled to yourself but he seems to heard it. He just ignored what you said and drag you in front of his class room
"H...hey! Aka--- Umm. You! What do you want?" You tried not to call his name with that filthy mouth of yours. After hearing what you said he just twitched his brows and clicked his tongue. He lets go of your arms and let out a huge sigh.
You stared at him waiting for him to talk
"What do you want?" Since he's clearly not talking you started to ask the question
He looks at you for a while as if he just realized what he done then talk
"N.. Nothing. You may leave now" he entered his room leaving you there with a questioned look on your face
Another week have passed after that incident and life goes on as if nothing happened. You just accepted the fact that your childhood friend will ignore you forever.
Lunch begun and you are making your way to the cafeteria when you noticed the weird noises coming out of the old music room.
'Oh no! A ghost?! But what would a ghost do in a music room in broad daylight. Must be a talented ghost!' You slowly opened the door but to your surprise no ghost was to be seen but a red headed man standing with his hands covered in bruise and blood and the wall, innocent wall I might add, have a crack through it.
"A...akas-- I mean, sorry. I'll be leaving now" you slowly close the door but he stop you by throwing a scissors near the open gap where you are peeking
"Stop. Come here this instant" you found yourself completely under his command as you are now making your way towards him
"Don't you have the slightest concern? Why don't you take me to the nurse's office?"
"Why? The wall punched you?" Why do you have to take him? It's not your fault he punched the wall ,right? He can do it by himself being the 'absolute' guy he is. He clicked his tongue and started dragging you. You found yourself inside the nurse's office. You saw Akashi holding the health kit and put it on the table in front of you.
"I order you to fix me"
"Can't you do it yourself?" You're still annoyed by how he acts towards you. Does your friendship means nothing to him? How can you even like this guy? You thought to yourself but sigh and just gave up arguing to yourself and started treating his wound
"There. All done." You packed the stuff up and about to leave but he grabbed your arms making you sit down again
"Where are you going? I ordered you to fix me! "
"I already did! What is wrong with you?! Ugh! You know what?! I give up!" You stood up and walked away. You're almost at the door but you felt a bit of hesitation in leaving him.
"The... The bandage. It fall,(Y/N)" you went back to him and fixed his bandages. 'Why can't I just leave him?' You asked yourself this questions that even you don't know the answer
"It's done now" you hurriedly make your way outside but as you reached the door,he spoke
"Oh no... It wore off again" he said in a fake bored tone
"Wha-- you did it on purpose!" You just saw him unwrapped the bandages you put
"I'm sorry,(Y/N). I just want you to stay for little longer" his words shocked you and you can't even find a word to speak
"I didn't mean to say all those words. I.. I even hated myself for saying that. I want you to call my name so badly. I was just afraid that those guys would bother you and I wouldn't be there to protect you. I don't know what's happening anymore! I must be going crazy" he pulled his hair and calm his self desperately.
You were too shocked that all you can do is go back and sit next to him
"I... I don't know what's happenin either. Are you okay?" You tried checking his temperature but he was okay.
"No... I'm not okay"
"Ahm. What can I do to make you feel okay?"
"I told you didn't I? You need to fix me"
"Ah.. How do I do that?" You are too confused by his words so you just asked him that
"Call my name?" He suggested to you while looking directly in your eyes
"A... Akas--"
"Hai.. Se-Seijuro"
He give out a smile of relief and nodded
"Are you okay now?" Again with your endless questions,you just can't seem to leave him behind now ,can you?
"Not quite"
"Be mine" you processed what he said and you widened your eyes out of shock
"Wha.. Wha--" you were cut off as you felt a soft lips on top of yours. Akashi pecked your lips!
"I take that as a yes"

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