Come through and chill

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Dallas Winston 

Request: Nope


Trigger warnings: weed smoking, slight violence, mention of guns

Y/n had known Dally for a long time, their brother and his gang was cool with the gang, occasionally getting together to go out and cause trouble for fun and what not. Dally always liked to pick on you for being younger than him even though it was only by a year and a half. "You're letting the kid come with us ?" Dally asked raising an eyebrow at you brother causing him to chuckle. "Oh, fuck you Dally." You spat shoving him. "Ooh, think I hit a nerve or somethin'." He teased before walking ahead of you and your brother. In actuality, you didn't mind his teasing much since you had a pretty big crush on him, you saw it as an excuse to talk to him and touch him, even if it was slapping or shoving him most times.

"Hey kid," Dallas said walking in your room. "Your brother needs ya'." He said coolly as he looked around your room. "Dallas Winston !" You exclaimed, throwing a pillow at him. "I could have been changin' or somethin'." You said getting up from you bed and setting your book down and walking to him to pick up the pillow you threw only to hit him again before tossing it back to your bed. "Yea' I know, I was hoping you were, doll." He said winking before walking out. "I- What ?" You said confused at the words that just left his mouth, you stood there dazed a bit before going to see what your brother wanted.

"What ?" You asked sighing as you looked at your brother. "We're going to a party tomorrow tonight, you're not coming." He said lighting up his cigarette and taking a puff. "Wha' why not. Y'all take me every where else." You said crossing your arms. "Because something might pop off and I don't need ma being on my back if you get hurt." He said taking a long drag from his cigarette. "Then why are you going ?" You asked shifting your weight to the opposite leg. "Business." He said simply. "Well you better take your key, 'cuz I'm not getting up." You said rolling your eyes and going back inside.

The next day you awoke to the sound of your alarm clock reminding you that you have to get up, like it did every week day you groan as you lazily reached for it to shut it up groaning groggily as you put your head down and closed your eyes hoping you'd be able to sleep a little while longer. Eventually, you got up, got your clothes, and walked to the bathroom dragging your feet with each step.

After getting ready you walk to your kitchen only to be met by your brother and a couple of his friends , Jay, Cutie pie, and Scar. "Hey sleepin' beauty." Jay chuckled as you walked past, you stuck your tongue out at him as you opened the fridge and looked for some juice.

After getting your juice you go back upstairs to grab your stuff and take your 'secondary meds', they were just weed gummies your mom got you to help with anxiety but today was the day you ran out. You silently cursed and told yourself you'd be fine to go a day without them, sighing, you go back to the kitchen only to see Dally walking in, your groaned internally as you felt dragonflies flutter around in your stomach at such speed you thought you'd take flight. "Good mornin' doll." Dally greeted smirking only to earn an eye roll and a head shake from you. "Hey," You said getting your brothers attention. "I'm out of gummies." You said as you stuck your hand in your back pocket. "I'll tell mom." He said simply as he picked up his keys. "You ready to go ?" He asked raising an eyebrow at you slightly earning another nod. "Can I tag along, I'd love to see her off at school, see how much she's grown." Dally said wrapping an arm around your shoulder and wiping a fake tear. You chuckled a little before walking outside leaving his arm to fall by his side. "Sure, I don't care just hurry up." Your brother said following behind you, Dally doing the same.

You and Dally sat in the back, you read as you waited to arrive at the hell hole most called school. Dally kept glancing over at you, glancing turning into full in staring. "I can feel your beady eyes burning a hole into me, what do want Dallas." You said not bothering to look up from your book as you turned a page. "Cold as always," Dally said smirking. "You know I like the type who play hard to get." He said again earning a groan from you before closing your book, your mind in short circuiting at his flirtatious nature. "What do you want, Dally ?" You asked finally looking over at him. "What gummies were you talking about earlier ?" He asked. "Oh, they're... They're weed gummies, they uh help me with my anxiety." You said starting to pick at you nails a little. "Oh," He said quietly looking off to the side. "Hey kid, you ever smoke the stuff ?" Dally asked looking back at you. "No, why ?" You asked looking back at him puzzled. "Want to ?" He asked looking rather serious. You just stared at him for a while confused, but nonetheless you nodded yes and he just gave you a small nod before rolling down his window and pulling out a cigarette to light.

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