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It was evening time. Almost all the staff has gone back to their homes except few people and in those few people Krish and Shravani also comes.

Krish saw Shravani still working and called her," Your working hours are over in office. You can continue your work at home."

After sometime both of them wrapped everything up and stepped out from cabin to go. Krish saw Shravani going towards stairs instead taking lift.

Krish," Where are you going? Lift is here."

Shravani," I will take stairs."

Krish," You will walk down 6 floors with stairs. Amazing stamina I must say."

Shravani," Hmm..Good Evening sir..."

She started to go towards stairs but Krish holds her arm and pulled her to him. She become scared.

Krish said slowly," You can share lift with me. I don't bite."

He stepped away and went to the lift.

She kept standing in a conscious way. She is a girl who has always been afraid with people, mostly of opposite gender. She always stay 1 km away from them. Talking is a different thing. With Krish it's different for her. He's her husband and due to this fact only, she talks with him normally or can say almost normally. But standing that close to him created a havoc inside her. For him it's nothing but for her it's big.

She got goosebumps and her heart was beating very fast. All the blood in her body was rushing towards het face.

Krish enters in lift and calls her," Come... Why are you still standing there?"

Her legs took her to the lift without her permission. She forgot the reason why she was opting for stairs. She entered inside and stood quitely in one corner, staring at floor.

On the mid way lift stumbled a little and stopped.

Krish," What the hell?"

He pressed some buttons but nothing happened.


Is this part too short?😁😈

Can I expect good number of votes and comments in this mini part too?😇

So, what will happen now?😏
Tell me your wild imaginations.🤭

Well guys if Shravani got that much affected when Krish pulled her close a little then what will she experience now? Struck in same small box.😁

Share your views in comments and don't forget to vote.


Yes Sir😏😉❤️ जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें