~ Chapter 3: The Legend Thief ~

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In the magical world of Chima, the animal tribes stand united and defend Mount Cavora from Chi-stealing Bats and Spiders. In the savage Outlands, Laval and friends rescue two Legend Beasts, but five remain trapped. Who is this rhino girl that stowed away on Rogon's truck? What was that the human girl Y/N is secretly hiding that she can't let them know? And what exactly does the exiled lion Lavertus keep inside that strange room of his? These are The Legends of Chima.

Cue to "Unleash the Power" opening song.


"Who took my stuff?!"

Today, Lavertus is having a really bad day, looking very angry as he stomped past the people who're sleeping in their futon. This made everyone wake up from his sudden shout.


"What happened?" Laval asked, stretching his arms.

"My stuff! It's gone! From my locked room over there!"

Lavertus pointed to the secret door Eris was curious about. He skid over to Eris, who's sitting up.

"Well, was it you?" he accused.

"Me? I'd never steal. It must've been someone else. Did you ask Razar? Those ravens are the biggest thieves around."

Eris pointed to Razar, who's leaning against the table with his arms behind his head.

"Why, thank you for the compliment, my friend. But sadly, I cannot take credit for this heist, yes?"

"Then what about Rinona, the new girl? What do we know about her?" Eris asked, glaring at her.

Rinona placed her hands on her hips in disbelief.

"Hey, why are you blaming me?"

Y/N immediately stood up and ran over.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. No one's blaming anyone! And I thought you're cool with Rinona!"

"I am, but not fully."

Cragger went beside Y/N.

"Y/N is right. Until we find out what exactly was stolen."

"My stuff! That I keep in my locked room. That's all you need to know. So I'm just gonna step put and calm down for a moment."

Lavertus headed over to the door.

"When I return, I either want my stuff, or I want all of you gone."

With that, he's gone, leaving them to deal with the sudden rob.

"Looks like he's in a bad mood. Whatever it was stolen must be very important." Saskia said, slithering over to Cragger's shoulder.

Laval turned to Razar.

"Razar, are you sure you didn't--?"

"Yes, I am. But now that he makes the big fuss, I am intrigued, yes?"

Razar ran over to the secret door and pulled out a lock pick to unlock the key hole door.

"Uh, are you sure that's a good idea?" Y/N asked, feeling unsure about this.

"Hold on, we can't just break into--"

Too late. Razar already unlocked the door and what he saw made him squak.

"Ah! Holy Razoli."

Razar dropped the lock pick and ran inside. Everyone followed after him to where Razar stood. In front of them is the blue and red helmet-like boar.

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