~ Chapter 4.5: Game of Legends ~

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All six Legend Beasts were standing around each other when Bladvic started to shout.

"Not true! The bear is more powerful."

"To subconscious endeavors of the barrels will be no match for the fortitude of the rhinoceros mix-ins." Rogon pointed out.

"But without the mastery of the air is nowhere as poweful as the raven, yes?" Razar said, approaching them.

"True, but the eagle is more powerful--" Eris said, but was cut off by Cragger.

"Yet! The Crocodile Legend Beast is a master of both land and water."

"What?!" Eris turned to him in rage.


Gorzan stepped in to calm them down.

"They are all equally powerful and groovy. Not as powerful as a gorilla."

"Gorzan!" Y/N scolded as they grew angry at him.

"Guys! Stop it. We need each other." Laval said.

"Yeah, your guys' Legend Beasts are all equal and powerful and most amazing creatures no one has ever seen. There's no need to fight each other over some ridiculous things that are already good." Y/N pointed out, making them look down.

"I'm sure there is a civilized way we can settle this." Worriz suggested with a smile.

"And what's that?" Y/N asked curiously.

Before they knew it, Laval and Y/N feel worried.

"Uh... Worriz? I don't think we should be using the Legend Beasts like this."

"Are you sure this is safe?"

Worriz ignored them as he carried the smiley face rock with the Legend Beast riders in front of them.

"First Legend Beast to get the rock into the basket is the mightiest."

He tossed the rock into the air and ran off, making it land in front of Laval and Y/N.


The Legend Beast riders charged at the rock as Laval and Y/N got out of the way. The battle went brutal as they block each other from throwing the rock into the basket as they steal the rock back and forth at each other. Some knock into each other or trip one another.

"This was a bad idea." Laval sweatdropped.

"Yeah." Worriz smirked, looking at the battle with excitement.

"I pray for a miracle to stop all of this." Y/N muttered.

Just after the rock landed right in front of Bladvic and Bear Beast, all the Legend Beast riders charged at them at once as they're about to bring out a big blow. Though, thanks to Y/N's prayer as Lavertus barged in with a tray of cupcakes after sliding the door open of his lair. Saskia is with him with a cupcake in her mouth.

"Cupcakes, everyone!"

"Oh, thank God!" Y/N sighed in relief as the Legend Beast riders stopped at what they're doing.

Suddenly, the Legend Beasts began to charge at Lavertus as the riders didn't get a chance to control them. They pile up on the poor lion after hearing the word "cupcake". Saskia slithered away, not wanting to get into that mess. Three cupcakes came rolling over to Laval, Worriz, and Y/N as they picked each one up.

"Well, we didn't find which Legend Beast was the mightiest."

"But I do think we find their weakness."

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