~ Chapter 4: The Eagle and The Bear ~

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In the magical world of Chima, the animal tribes stand united against the Chi-stealing Crawlers. In the Outlands, the exiled lion Lavertus' secret is revealed: He is ShadoWind, the ultra-fast mystery rider. He leads our heroes on a high-speed rescue, but four Legend Beasts remain trapped. Y/N's true secret was revealed as she has the power to shapeshift into a serpent. Our heroes still accepts her as a team and their friend. The enemy, Scorpions, Spiders and Bats make their own Speedorz. These are The Legends of Chima.

Cue to "Unleash the Power" opening song.


The Eagle Legend Beast was flying around in the air making loud shrieking noises. Above the roof, the telescope was watching the Eagle Beast as Lavertus was looking through in his lair.

"It's the Eagle Legend Beast. She's been there all day. Just circling."

Laval looked into the telescope.

"Strange. It's like she's in pain. Why won't she fly away? Hey, Eris, do you think--?"

He stopped to see Eris is gone.

"Eris? Has anyone seen Eris?"

"I think she went off towards the Eagle Legend Beast." Y/N guessed.

Not a minute later, Eris came back and drew a picture of the tower with two circles on the left and the shape of the bear on the right as they're balancing on the slab.

"It's some kind of giant seesaw trap with two eagle eggs here, and the Bear Legend Beast here."

"Very interesting, yes? You grab the eggs, seesaw tilts, Bear goes smash! Move the Bear, seesaw tilts, eggs go smash!" Razar said, getting to what she's saying whilst scaring her.

"There's no way to save them both."

"Without the smash!" Razar repeated.

This made Eris shake with a whimper.

"Razar!" Y/N scolded, glaring at the raven.

"What? Is it something I said? The smash is a problem here, yes?"

Eris got scared again and Y/N quickly comforted her by hugging her with Saskia slithering around Eris and gave her a light kiss on the head.

"Don't worry, Eris. We'll save them." Laval assured. "Maybe Bladvic has some ideas about rescuing the Bear Beast. Bladvic?"

They noticed Bladvic was snoring as he standing there with his head down, sleeping. Worriz poked him to try and wake him up but nothing happened.

"Is he napping again? All I ever wanted was to find my Wolf Beast, but I get nothing. Bladvic's Bear Beast is right there, waiting for him. And he just sleeps."

Worriz ran over to the door and opened it.

"It's not fair. Sorry, team, but I need some time to find my Beast."

He then walked off without looking back.

"Worriz?" Laval tried to call out to him, but he was ignored.

"I understand his frustration, but is he going to be okay?" Y/N asked in concern.

"Dude just need some chill space. We'll be fine without him for this one." Gorzan assured.

"Okay, but still, shouldn't we..."

Cragger leaned over to Bladvic's ear and yelled.

"...wake Bladvic?!"

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