~ Prologue ~

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Aspheera is attempting to break into the Ninjas' secret base to find Wu.

"Again." she ordered.

One of the Elemental Cobras rams itself into the barred doors.


Another cobra strikes.


Another cobra follows through. Every cobras kept on hitting the doors as Aspheera ordered them to do it again. Meanwhile, the Ninja are working on the Titan Mech while Aspheera continues to break down the doors. Pixal gasps at the sound of another boom.


"Master Wu?" Kai looked at his sensei in concern.

"That was the sound of hatred and anger, so much anger." Wu sighed.

Kai jumps down to join Wu.

"We won't let her get you, Master."

"Yeah, she'll have to go through us first." Cole grinned.

"We'll make sure that you'll never be out of our sight." Y/N placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Affirmative." Pixal nodded.

Nya tries to reach the Pixal through the radio.

"Pixal, come in. Pixal?"

Pixal pulls up the Nya on the screen.

"Nya, where are you?"

"I'm with Zane and Lloyd. We have the second scroll. Repeat: We have the second scroll!"

"Yeah!" Cole cheered.

"Yes!" Jay and Y/N cheered with their hands up in the air.

"About time." Kai high-fived Cole.

"That is most welcome news." Pixal smiled.

"Nya, tell Lloyd to be careful with the scroll. It is very dangerous. The less he handles it, the better." Wu said.

"I understand. We'll be careful."

Aspheera has another one of her cobras ram the doors.


"What was that sound?"

"The structural integrity of the doors is failing. You have to hurry, Nya." Pixal explained.

"Hold on, Pixal! We're coming!"

Aspheera is still attempting to break into the secret base with her cobras.


The Ninja and Wu all watch the doors.

"Gah!!" Jay shrieked and shook Y/N frantically. "What do we do?!"

Cole looks around and spots a vent on the ground.

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