~ Chapter 1: Into the Outlands ~

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In the room, Y/N woke up with a groan and sat up. She looked around to find herself in a strange big room that's almost like a mansion. She then saw Saskia who woke up and immediately slithered towards her and licked her face.

"You're okay!"

"Hey, Saskia. Where are we?"

"I don't know. I only heard voices and the people saved your life and brought you here to sleep."

Y/N was surprised and got out of the bed and looked out the window. She was speechless as she could see a view as she found it breathtaking.

"Looks like we're not in Ninjago anymore."

Saskia nodded who's on Y/N's shoulder. Suddenly, the door opened and Y/N immediately turned and took out her kusarigama in her fighting position. Saskia wrapped around Y/N protectively with a hiss. It was Laval who was holding a tray full of food and drink. He jumped after seeing her wide awake and already in her defensive stance with a glare.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy! I'm not here to hurt you. I'm a friend."

"Where am I? Who are you?" she asked, not letting her guard down.

"My name is Laval. Welcome to Chima."

"A talking lion? Walking on two? I really am in another dimension..." she gasped in surprise. "Oh, and thanks."

"Another dimension?"

"I'm from Ninjago."


"Yes, that's where I am from, but not here."

"What's your name?"

"My name is Y/N. And I'm a human."

"A human? That's rare to see one like you since you don't look like us. And nice to meet you, Y/N." Laval said with a smile. "Oh, and are you hungry? It will be horrible to let you starve to death."

Y/N eventually put away her kusarigama as she could tell that this lion is good and is in no harm. Saskia slithered out and went towards the bed.

"Whoa! Who's a friend of yours?"

"Her name is Saskia. She's a snake."

"Greetings, lion."

"Cool! Nice to meet you, Saskia."

"I like him already."

Y/N giggled as the lion and the snake interacted as she ate her breakfast and it was surprisingly good.

"So if you're from another world, what happened to you that brought you here?"

Y/N then frowned as Saskia looked down.

"Did something happened?" Laval asked, seeing those two sad.

Y/N then explained everything to him as well as explaining about her world and the adventures her and her friends went through. Laval was surprised and in awe as he listened. What she didn't know is that the lions are there as they listen to the whole story as well as Laval's father.

"Wow... That must be hard and crazy! How did you even survive from all those fights and adventures?"

"It's all because we have elemental powers that have been given to us from inside. Mine is shapeshifting." Y/N said.

"That's even more cool! Can you tell me what you can shapeshift?"

"Maybe later." Y/N said, not feeling comfortable of showing him her serpent form.

"Indeed it is amazing, son."

They turned to see Laval's father.

"Dad! Were you listening?"

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