~ Chapter 5: Tooth or Consequences ~

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In the Outlands, just beyond the magical world of Chima, ten heroes are on a mission. Two Legend Beasts remain trapped by the Crawlers, along with Cragger's father, King Crominus, captured months earlier in the Gorge of Eternal Depth. The eight Chima heroes must come to the rescue, along with the human ninja and the snake friend. These are The Legends of Chima.

Cue to "Unleash the Power" opening song.


Y/N woke up to hear Cragger's shout and looked over to see him moving around in his sleep rapidly and was about to go and help when she saw Lavertus near him. He was looking over at Cragger closely to hear what he's saying until he woke up. Both Cragger and Lavertus gasp in surprise.

"What are you doing here? And why are you so close to me?" Cragger asked.

She listened closely as they talk.

"Ha, ha, I am not close. Or am I?" Lavertus laughed, getting a little closer

"Cut that out!"

Cragger pushed him away, feeling already annoyed with those words.

"Sorry. Heard you shouting in your sleep. Just trying to help. Or was I?"

Boy, does he love saying that...

"Hey, you don't talk to anyone else like that here. Why me?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. Or do I?"

"That's it. I've had enough of this. My father's nearby, and I have to find him." Cragger said, picking up his two-bladed weapon.

"What? No, he can't be."

Y/N raised her eyebrow at his sudden change of tone. She feels like he had some sort of bad history with King Crominus, but what was it?

"I mean, you can't. It was just a dream."

Cragger noticed something and pointed it behind Lavertus' back.

"What's that?"

"Oh, heh, heh, it's nothing."

"It looks like a scarf my mother used to have."

He grabbed something in Lavertus' hand towards him to reveal a pink scarf that matches Queen Crunket's dress. Where did he get that if it belongs to her? Lavertus quickly pulled that away from him, holding it close.

"Nope, sorry. You can't have seen this on your mother. It's very, very old."

"There's a painting of her in our castle from when she was young, wearing a scarf exactly like that."

"Oh, really? Well, uh, I mean, okay. Maybe it belonged to your mother a long, long time ago. Heh, heh. But it's not like it's my most prized possession in the entire world or anything. That I lock in my secret room and only bring out in the middle of the night when no one is looking, so I can talk to it. Heh, heh. Not at all. Sorry I had to lie. The boy can never know our secret." Lavertus laughed nervously, while whispering some strange words to the pink scarf.

This got Cragger and Y/N confused as they can clearly hear him what he was saying in those last parts. What a weirdo.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Oh, uh, nothing. Hey, didn't you say your father was nearby? Maybe you should check on that. Okay, great, bye-bye."

With that, Lavertus walked away. That lion is strange sometimes as Y/N thought. She looked at Cragger and noticed his look and didn't like that.

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