~ Chapter 2.5: Girl Time ~

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(This was taking place in the Legends of China Mini Movie called "Horn To Be Wild" from LEGO on YouTube.)

Everything is peaceful outside of Lavertus' place as the Gorilla Beast was sleeping on top of Rogon's truck until it was rudely awoken by the loud, scratching, and shrieking noises and accidentally fall off the truck. Inside the place, everyone groaned in annoyance and frustration as they're lying down in their futon, trying to sleep. Lavertus, who's up and wide awake, was growling in frustration as he shook his head until he snapped.

"That's it! He's out of here!"

"About time." Worriz sighed in relief.

"I second that, my friend." Razar agreed.

Lavertus was about to give Rogon, who's the one making all that noises, a piece of his mind when Rinona stepped in front of him.

"Let me talk to him."

"What good would that do? It was exactly the same yesterday!"

"But he means well. I will work it out."

Rinona ran over to Rogon to see him scratching his motorcycle with the big brown rock.

"Hi, Rogon."

"Hi, Rinona." he greeted back, stopping the noise.

"Are you polishing your bike?"

"No. Why would you think that? Well I couldn't sleep, so I'm sharpening my pillow rock."

Rogon went back to scratching the motorcycle with his rock, making the noise again.

"Okay? Could you do it someplace else? It's early. We're trying to sleep." she suggested loudly. 

"You can't sleep? Really? Well, I guess I could."

With that, Rogon drove off with his motorcycle with his sunglasses on. Rinona waved him and yawned, going back inside as everything is now quiet. They happily thanked her for that as they got back to sleep. Y/N sighed in relief and closed her eyes to let the sleepiness take over her once more.


The next day, Y/N, Eris, and Rinona are outside of Lavertus' place in the forests where no one will bother them as they're having some girl time that Eris and Rinona never have until now as they're practicing their throwing target at the red circle in the middle. Saskia wanted to stay in his place to keep an eye on the boys while also looking through Lavertus' place to see what he's hiding. Two axes hit targets death center.

"Two axes are better than one." Eris smiled in pride.

"True. Unless you have one of these."

Rinona twirls her axe with a blade at each end and throws them at the targets, splitting the axes there.

(Yeah, Rinona gets her own weapon like Heather's from RTTE. I suggest you watch that. And yes, you can see the reference I'm doing.)

"You really have to show me how you made that." Eris said in amazement.

"Nice, good target. But can you do this?"

Y/N spins her kusarigama and throws it towards the targets, rapidly slicing everything while dodging the weapons the girls would need and pulled it back towards her. The targets suddenly fell into pieces, dropping the axes.

"Whoa!!" Rinona gasped.

"Amazing! You gotta teach me that!" Eris exclaimed.

"Sure, but I prefer close combat to throwing..."

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