~ Chapter 6: This May Sting a Bit ~

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In the Outlands, just beyond the magical world of Chima, the ten heroes must rescue the last captive Legend Beast in the Scorpion Cave. But the team loses faith in Laval after they learn that he accidentally created this new enemy when he, months earlier, threw the Crocodile's Chi into the Gorge of Eternal Depth. Laval rushes into battle alone. The Scorpions are merciless. These are:  The Legends of Chima.

Cue to "Unleash the Power" opening song.


Laval ran into the fortress as the large rocks fell onto him, blocking the entrance and the team's view of any sign of Laval.

"No!!" Cragger screamed.

"Laval, are you okay?" Eris called worriedly.

"Laval? Laval!!" Y/N called out.

No replies as they stare worryingly and sadness.

"Surrender now. You cannot beat us. We have more soldiers, more weapons. And most of all, more Chi."

Scorm held up the glowing Chi as the Outlanders cackled. The tribes ignored them as they stare in sadness, believing Laval is gone.

"You know, he makes a very convincing argument." Bladvic suggested.

Cragger and Y/N turned to the bear like he's insane. They both shouted together unknowingly.

"We'll never surrender!!"

They look at each other in surprise. Gorzan approached them, agreeing with Bladvic.

"But, dude, where do we get more Chi?"

Y/N gave him a deadpan look.

"Guys, remember the training I've taught you?"

They all nodded before realizing it.

"That's right. I taught you all Spinjitzu. Even without Chi, you all are something much more than you can imagine. If we all fight together as one, we'll be unstoppable."

"She's right. We can't stay here. We've got to see if Laval is okay."

"I'm not worried about that liar. And you two covering for him." Worriz scoffed, glaring at him.

"Hey, laval helped each of you find your Legend Beasts. You can't abandon him now that he needs your help with the Lion Beast." Eris said.

"I agree with Eris. What kind of friends are you all if it wasn't his intention to make this new enemy in the first place?"

They all look at each other for a moment then realizing they're right as they look at their Legend Beast.

"Yeah, we started this together, we'll end it together. So come on."

Cragger hopped onto the Crocodile Beast with his father before he and the others galloped off with Y/N, in her serpent form, slithering after them with Saskia.

"Okay, fine. But I'm only fighting for you guys, not Laval." Worriz said before joining them.

The team fought off the Outlanders as they huddle around together, looking around.

"Laval?" Eris called.

"Where is he?" Cragger questioned.

"I'm not sure. But I ssure hope he's okay." Y/N hissed out, glaring up at the flying Bats that are coming down towards them.

More enemies attack. Y/N brought out her snake hands as they bite onto the Scorpion soldier's arms and she catapulted herself over to him and kicked him straight in the chest, releasing her snake hands as he went flying towards the other Scorpion soldiers that were about to attack her.

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