𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 1: 𝔼𝕡𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕕𝕖 4

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•𝑺𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝑾𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝑹𝒖𝒏 𝑫𝒆𝒆𝒑•

Right after Olivia sent that message to Evelynn, the latter secretly opened her phone while being alone in one of NEMESIS' rooms and she read it carefully. After she finished doing so, she thought:
"There is something wrong about Jackson.. I feel it.. Otherwise why would Olivia want to meet me and tell me something urgent about him?". Evelynn then started writing a responding message to Olivia but she heard footsteps approaching her room so she deleted it and hid the phone right under her pillow. Cassandra opened the room's door and informed Evelynn.
"The Python wants to meet us now in the main room. He said he has some important news and a couple of new ideas for the continuation of our plan.", Cassandra said.
"Perfect timing. Just when I was about to ask him if another kind of attack was about to happen to the city. I'm pretty sure he has another intelligent idea in his mind just like every time.", Evelynn responded with a smirk but Cassandra looked at her with mistrust. Evelynn and Cassandra left the room, but before they did, Evelynn looked back at her pillow as she was still curious about what Olivia's message meant to inform her about.

Meanwhile, Owen got back home after hours of running, trying to learn something new about his lost brother Mason..

"Thank God, you're fine! Where were you all this time, Owen?", Isabella asked him worryingly after hugging him.
"I'm so sorry for being late and not informing you about anything, love, but I was as shocked as anyone when I learned that people out there have gone mad. I was talking with Mason on the phone and he assured me that he was fine, safe and sound and away from these dangerous people out there. I could perceive his happiness through his voice. He was working on his computer when suddenly he got scared and told me that someone had entered the house by breaking into it. I desperately advised him to hide somewhere but..", Owen said while shedding some tears.
"Then what, honey? Is Mason okay? Please tell me what happened to your brother.", Isabella begged him.
"He said that there was nowhere to hide in the room he was at the moment and while he was telling me his last words..the phone abruptly closed. I guess they destroyed it and then..and then they may killed him.. Maybe Mason is dead now..", Owen was saying while crying and Isabella got him in her hug.
"Shh, please calm down honey. We don't know exactly what happened there. We cannot be sure since none of was there to see. He might be alive now somewhere out there seeking for a place to hide and sleep until this entire nightmare ends. If he is okay, he will contact with you once he gets the chance. Please, don't cry Owen.", Isabella reassured him.
"If you saw what I saw when I arrived to his house, then you would also be as pessimistic as I am right now, Isabella. The entire house was on fire. He might have been inside and if he indeed was then...no..no I don't even wanna think about it..", Owen said while being completely upset.
"Honey, please, being upset won't help you think clearly. I want you to calm down and we will think about something together. You'll see, Mason will be fine.", Isabella tried to reassure him again and after she touched both of his hands with her own, both of them sat down on their bed.
"Baby, I'm telling you this. Three years ago I lost my brother Aiden and it hurt me a lot just like it hurt my entire family. If felt like someone kept stabbing me over and over again without having the intention to stop. I needed a long time to get over it and so did my mother, so did my father and so did my sister. If I lose Mason too.. That would drive me crazy.", Owen said while shedding tears again. Isabella hugged him again and this time managed to make him feel better and relieved.
"Since I met Mason, I instantly understood that he is a clever boy and a survivor. He doesn't like giving up and I put my head on the block that he is somewhere out there trying to find a potential way to contact with you. When he feels both ready and totally safe, he will speak with you so as to make sure you're fine as well. Come on now. We both need some sleep, darling. It's been such a horrible day, especially for you. You need to rest.", Isabella told him.
"Once again, you absolutely managed to make me feel confident and optimistic. Have I ever told you that I wouldn't know what to do if you weren't by my side?", Owen asked her and smiled.
"Hm, yes, but I wouldn't mind hearing it one more time.", Isabella told him with a cunning smile.
"Then I'll make sure you will be listening to this for the rest of your life.", Owen told her.
"Wh.. What do you mean by that?", Isabella asked him confused.
"We've been together for years, Isabella. We share the same love and we got over a lot of situations whether these ones were easy or more perplexed and we know that we will have to go through more and more adventures in our entire life. So let's do this together and let's solemnize this relationship. Will you marry me, miss Isabella Quinn?", Owen asked her after kneeling on his knee and showing her the ring he took out of his jacket.
"Oh my God Owen.. Of course I will marry you. I mean, Yes, absolutely Yes!!", Isabella said out of happiness and shed tears of joy while hugging and kissing Owen, even though that confused her a lot.
"I'm so happy about us, my love.", Owen told her while hugging her. Isabella didn't respond to this but she smiled.

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