𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 1: 𝔼𝕡𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕕𝕖 6

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•𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒅 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈•

Once Jackson learned about Emmanuel's instant hospitalization, he visited him the next morning so as to show some kind of 'compassion' towards him.

"I learned about you coming in here in such a serious condition and I scurried to visit you. How did it happen? How are you?", Jackson asked Emmanuel.
"There.. There was a table reserved from couples such as Nathan with Amelia, Scott with Grace and so on. Both me and Rachel were invited as well, but as we were about to arrive, there was..a black, 4x4 jeep.", Emmanuel said with difficulty and Jackson remembered what Steven had told him before the abduction.
"So how will it be done?", Jackson asked Steven.
"The Python had several ideas but in the end, he decided that the abduction should be done when both Rachel and Emmanuel are on the road for the restaurant. Once she's asleep, we won't bring her here, but she will be kept inside the hidden vault.", Steven answered.
"That's good. The police forces will never find her there. Unless you are all useless enough to set her free by mistake.", Jackson said and laughed ironically. Steven then got serious and caught Jackson from his neck.
"Unlike you who make one mistake after the other, The Python is beyond pleased with me as his right hand. As his councel. As his most trusted subject. For now, he needs you so as to complete his tasks as early as possible. Speak to me that way again, and I might make him change his mind about it. Understood?", Steven asked him and then threw him away.
"I hope you know what's your role inside the Python's goal is and you don't talk to anyone about Rachel's disappearance. I guess it's obvious that if you do that, you will be the one missing next. And we will make sure that you surely won't be found.", Steven said and left.

"And.. What happened after you saw that jeep?", Jackson asked Emmanuel.
"Two men got out and were waiting on the back. Then, another woman got out. One that is infected by the virus.. One that is very familiar to me.. And to you.", Emmanuel said.
"What are you talking about? Who was she?", Jackson asked him.
"It was Evelynn, Jackson.. She's got powers. She is one of the mutants and now she follows that 'Python' guy as Tyler from the police department told me his name is. She froze my entire chest and threw me meters away, leaving me unconscious. She's dangerous, Jackson. And I don't know how we will bring her back...IF, we can bring her back.", Emmanuel told him.
"I suspected that she had become one of the mutants.. She was missing for a long time and no one announced her potential death, so I suspected it.. Maybe she also wishes that she was dead, rather than being one of the infected. As I've heard, being one of the mutants is way worse than being dead.", Jackson said.
"I'm sorry, Jackson, but I can't help you to this. Both my and Rachel's lives were put in danger because of her. And now I don't even know where my wife is. If she's dead.. If she's alive.. If she's kidnapped by them.", Emmanuel said.
"It's okay, Emmanuel. I understand. You're feeling angry towards her and you're right. I promise you, though, my friend. Rachel will be found and Evelynn will be brought back to me, as normal as she used to be.", Jackson said and touched his friend's hand before he left from the room.

The same morning, some members of the police forces, the medics and the fire department arrived at the spot where the triple murder took place last night..

"So? Were you able to find anything inside the car?", Nathan asked Candice.
"Yes, I was, and even though the car got burned, there are still areas of it that are completely intact. Seems like the murderer or murderers burned it so as to make it harder for us to identify the victims but after theor bodies got carbonized, they put the fire out. There were some fingerprints both on the inside and on the outside but they need to be identificated first so as for us to be sure. Furthermore, my team found that telephone right below the woman in the front seat's seat. It might not be as functional as we would wish, but it's not that damaged either. You told me that Owen was talking with his parents on the phone and then suddenly, his mother screamed and both a shot and a car crash was heard. It seems that this is his mother's telephone, but we cannot be entirely sure yet.", Candice answered.
"I still can't believe that there is a possibility that those people inside the car might be Owen's parents.. He was impatient to see them again after such a long time and everything happened in a blink of an eye. I might be wrong, Candice, but my instinct never lied to me before. I think it was an attempted murder and not a sudden one. Someone had Owen's parents into their target. I don't know who, I don't know why he or she did that, but I'll make sure that I'll find the person who took these three people away.", Nathan swore.
"Don't worry, Nathan, everyone in the end gets what he deserves. Soon or late, justice always shows up and casts away the ones who do not deserve to live free in this world.", Candice responded.
"I'm afraid that only happens in movies. Not in reality, unfortunately.", Selina told Candice.
"Maybe you're right, but maybe you're not. I agree that kindness doesn't always win, but neither does evil. And in both this and Olivia's cases, I think the murderers made mistakes that will soon be revealed and both evidence and luck will be on our side. Now you will both excuse me, but, I'm gonna have to examine the car even more. I'll inform you if I have anything more.", Candice said, smiled and kept working.
"What will happen now? What are we going to say to Owen if these are indeed his parents and sister?", Selina asked Nathan.
"It's going to be one of our hardest tasks to complete, but if this is true it will be better if he learns it from us who are his friends rather than learn if from the social media or anybody else. I know his pain will burn just as strongly, but Owen is a strong man. He will find the courage to fight and get over it in the end.", Nathan answered.
"I don't know what I would do if I were him. I mean, I also lost my parents and I was young, which means I needed them even more, but Owen wasn't in contact with his parents for so long. He hadn't seen them for so long. It's unfortunate and it saddens me.", Selina confessed.
"It won't be easy to handle for him if it's actually true. It won't be fortunate for anyone as well. But I believe in him. In his strength. In his will and in his courage. And those who did it won't get away with it, no matter how many days, weeks, months or years are going to be needed so as for him or her to be arrested.", Nathan said.
"And what will be changed? His family won't return. He won't get to see them again.", Selina said.
"I know, but his soul will be cleansed after that. Trust me, I know from first hand how it feels like losing someone you love and never offer the retribution that is deserved to the ones who commit the crime. He might not be able to talk to them again, but at least he will know that both his and his family's souls are now able to rest.", Nathan said and hugged Selina. Then, Owen was running towards them as he was worried about the incident that happened, but he wasn't able to pass through the red and white marking items that were around the spot of the crime. Amelia and Scott were also with him, trying to calm him down.
"Nathan? Selina? Please. Please tell me what happened. Are those my parents and my sister in there? Is this what happened to them yesterday night? Please tell me.", Owen said while crying.
"Owen, we cannot be sure yet. We're waiting for Candice to find any potential new evidence that will identificate the people. But please, stay back and do not cross. I know what you're going through. I know how it feels and I know that you're beyond worried at the moment. But your impatience won't help the forensic scientists to do their job. You're a special doctor and you know that, but right now it's not you who must act, but them.", Nathan said and tried to reassure him.
"But.. But Nathan I can't stay back. They might be my parents. There might be my sister in the car. I need to be sure.. Please, Nathan, let me get closer for a bit. Please.", Owen begged him and Nathan holded Owen's head from his cheeks.
"I need you to be a bit patient, Owen. I beg you. Let Candice and her team do their job as they should and when we learn the truth, I promise you that you're going to be the first one to learn about it from us. You have the right to do so, after all. But stay calm until we have the results, okay?", Nathan said and tried to reassure him.
"Come on, buddy. We have to wait for a bit more. He gave you his word that you'll be the first one to learn about it and you know Nathan keeps his promises. Come with me. You need to rest my friend.", Scott said and took Owen with him some meters away so as to let him rest for a bit.
"I know you did everything to reassure him, Nathan, but I also know you very well. Were you lying to him? Did Candice prove that it's Jacqueline, Joseph and Madison in there?", Amelia asked Nathan.
"No, darling. Not yet. But she doesn't seem optimistic about it. These people's physiognomies are very similar to his parent's and sister's. I cannot hide the truth from you. We don't know surely who these people are since their bodies got entirely carbonized, but a DNA test will prove it.", Nathan said and hugged Amelia.
"I don't know how he's going to feel if it's indeed his parents. It's so unfair for him to go through all these experiences, Nathan. He deserves to be as happy as he wishes.", Amelia told him and shed some tears.
"I know, my love. He is one of the kindest people I've met. But life doesn't choose between good and evil. It takes what it wants and doesn't care about the black space it leaves behind.", Nathan said and also shed some tears.

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