𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 2: 𝔼𝕡𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕕𝕖 3

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•𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒍 𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒔•

After the four NEMESIS members were freed, they all returned to the main base of the organisation. Steven and Alexander opened the gates. Once the four members entered and felt like being at home, Ava hugged Katarina, Tatiana hugged Martin, Alicia hugged Aiden, while Cassandra hugged Amora. The same time, Siobhan and Trevor ran towards Jasmine and Cristian so as to assure themselves that they're alive.
"She has a pulse, Ms. De Fontaine. Don't worry, she's alive!", Trevor told Siobhan and she looked at him with crying eyes.
Natalia started clapping and smiling as her plan had just succeeded.
"Who would have known that we would have succeeded like that? Trying to kill someone we are assigned to would be much easier, but liberating not one, but four criminals from the same prison? That would seem impossible to achieve to an amateur and inexperienced person. But we made it. We took them all out. And that's what I call a win! Of course, we wouldn't have made it without the brilliant ideas Steven, Alexander, Tatiana, Ava, Cassandra, Siobhan and Alicia brought to the table. And in addition to that, Jasmine's and Cristian's usage of their power. You all owe your freedom to their cooperation. The battle is won. But we still have a war to win!", Natalia told them since she was still thinking that the four members' freedom seemed way too easy. And then, every member inside NEMESIS clapped!

Some minutes later, Cristian and Jasmine were brought inside Evelynn's, Sarah's and Sylvia's room. Evelynn used her ice powers so as to stop their bleeding and Sarah used her electric palms in order to wake both of them up. After they did...

"Hey, hey, Cristian, calm down! It's me, Evelynn.", Evelynn told him.
"You're both okay. You're both safe now! We're here with you.", Sylvia told them both.
"My love, I thought I would lose you out there. I wouldn't be able to handle it if I lost you into that madness..", Cristian told Jasmine and gave her a kiss.
"I thought that I would lose you too. But thank God, we're both still alive. And thank these kind-hearted girls in here that care about us. I don't think there's another person in the world who does.", Jasmine said and they both looked at Evelynn, Sylvia and Sarah.
"I think we will all agree that it's our duty to protect you. You never harmed anyone. You deserve to be protected by the people who love you. And trust me, even though we don't know you that much, we do love you.", Sarah told them.
"We would never let you get harmed in here, sweethearts. We've been here since this entire mutant expedition began. We know how things work in here. So since we know that you're both as vulnerable as they think, we'll try to make sure that none of you gets hurt. I promise that!", Evelynn told them.
"And also, I think that the people who had you locked in here for years knew exactly what they were doing. They made you lose every potential connection with the outside world so as to make you both weak, vulnerable, helpless, hopeless, destroyed. Of course, they did that so that they can take advantage of it. These people in here are cruel.", Sylvia added.
"We will end that cruelty once and for all!", Evelynn said with certainty.
"How are we going to do that?", Cristian asked.
"They might think that we cannot do anything from in here, but they are highly mistaken. We will continue what we started.", Evelynn told them.
"But what exactly do you mean? What can we do to them? If the Python understands that we're going to use our powers against him, he will kill us before we do so.", Sarah said.
"But who told you that we are going to do such thing? That would only be considered suicide. No. We're gonna hurt them otherwise. Don't forget, guys, I've entered NEMESIS because they forced me to do so, but I will get out because I want it. And I will take every single one of you with me. I came here with a mission, so I will accomplish it.", Evelynn said with confidence.
"I love her when she thinks like that. I hope I was as confident as you are. I've gotta admit, cousin, you're the smartest and the most powerful person I know.", Sylvia told her.
"Then you don't know that much people!", Evelynn said with humor and after they smiled, Evelynn hugged her cousin.
"We make such a powerful team. They will know that they aren't the only ones who can create plans in here.", Sarah said.
"But we still need Lauren's help, don't we? She's the woman with the most experiences from in here as she said.", Jasmine told them.
"Of course we need Lauren. Without her help, we're doomed. The first step already happened. We told the police anything we knew about Aiden, Martin, Amora and Katarina and I'm sure they used those information so that they can make them understand what the Python has been hiding. But since the extraction was that easy and the police did nothing so that they can prevent that, it means that the plan worked. The four of them understood that the Python is nothing but a fraud who has been selling lies from the first. So that means, these four people will also help us defeat him from the inside.", Evelynn said with a smile.
"But we have to inform the rest of them too, right?", Sylvia asked.
"Of course we do! Alicia already knows the truth and she's already helping us. The same is with Ava and Tatiana. They're also playing their roles so that the Python does not understand their treachery, but in reality, both of them want to destroy him for what they found out he's been hiding from them. Siobhan already hates the Python for hiding Jasmine from her. We will continue by telling the truth to the woman who remained. Cassandra. And after doing so, we will see what we can find about Steven, Natalia and Alexander.", Evelynn proposed.
"So where's Lauren right now?", Cristian asked.
"She was taken from Trevor before you two woke up. They said that they were going to make her forget everything..", Sylvia answered.
"Oh my God, no. They cannot do that. We have to help her.", Jasmine said.
"Don't worry, sweet girl. We have that planned as well.", Evelynn said and smiled.

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