𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 2: 𝔼𝕡𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕕𝕖 8 (𝕃𝕒𝕤𝕥 𝔼𝕡𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕕𝕖)

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•𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐣𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝•

Milenna entered the dock and Jackson was looking at her.
"Witness, swear please!", the judge said.
"I swear!", Milenna answered.
"Witness, I remind you that your testimony is happening exceptionally after the prosecutor asked for it. According to the police files, you have been the right hand and the best friend of Jackson Walker. How do you explain this?", the judge asked her.
"It is true. Everything you said is true. We have been best friends since our childhood. We got separated for a bit of time, and then met with each other again.", Milenna said.
"Also, according to the files, do you confirm that you offered a gun to Jackson Walker?", the judge asked her.
"I do.. Jackson never told me why he needed the gun. I just gave it to him. I did not think that he would use it against a person, but he did. Renata Short was about to become one of his victims, but thankfully he wasn't as lucky as he was with his previous and next victims. I gave him the gun, because I had faith in him. I believed that even though he also had flaws, he is not able to harm anyone. I did not learn anything about his previous crimes. I only had heard some things, but I didn't believe the theories. I only thought that Jackson was innocent, because even though I was a friend for him, for me..he was always something more.", Milenna said.
"Even though you're here today, as a prosecution witness, you were the same woman who gave an alibi to him after Olivia Benetton's murder.", the judge told Milenna.
"Yes.. I did..", Milenna said and thought about that day

"Are you telling me that you are calm and relaxed?", Milenna asked Jackson.
"Are you telling me that I need an alibi?", Jackson asked her.
"Yes! And I do not exclude myself from it. If the police search, they will come after us too. It is known that our relationship with Olivia, wasn't the best one.", Milenna said


"Miss Warren, even though today it's not your trial, I want to inform you that you're facing serious accusations. Complicity in murders, concealment about a criminal and his crimes even though you acknowledged them and false testimonies against the law!", the judge said.
"I know that, and I'm ready to face the consequences.", Milenna said.
"Why did you give an alibi to Jackson? Why have you been hiding him and his deeds from the police?", the judge asked her.
"I already told you, miss judge. I did it out of love and selfishness. I understand that what I'm saying doesn't honor me, but it's the truth. Of course, now, I have regret about this. I'm feeling ashamed for helping him.", Milenna confessed.
"Were you the one who tried to inform and protect the people who were in danger because of Jackson, even though it was too late?", the judge asked her.
"Yes! I tried to protect the police members, the doctors, the military, because I felt that Jackson was responsible for all those murders. I tried to make him confess, or even denounce him to the police, but he was always threatening me. I was the one who tried to protect Amanda and Yelena Campbell, Owen Cole, Nathan Prince, Selina Dane and every other person Jackson would love to harm, but unfortunately, it was too late for Amanda Hardyn. When I heared about her death my soul shattered. Jackson made me reveal every truth about Adam Campbell, and that day he's getting murdered. Amanda is executed one week after her husband's death and Yelena loses both of her parents. All of that, because of Jackson. Miss judge, no one knows Jackson Walker better than me. For so many years I was his partner, not only in professional level, but in a personal one too. I know him as well as I know the opposite side of my palm.", Milenna said.
"Could you be a bit more clear?", the judge asked her.
"He's an excellent and flawless actor. Don't let his face right now deceive you. It's one of the many faces he has! I've seen all of them and I can recognize them.", Milenna said and the jurors started talking once again.
"Silence! Silence, please! Witness, continue.", the judge said.
"After we got separated and never saw each other again for a bit of time, I wasn't learning news about him. We started working together again after Olivia's murder. The alibi I gave him was our common secret. I was always suspecting him, but I never knew the truth. Deep down, I never wanted to believe it. As I've said, I was in love with him. As long as she was alive, Jackson was always anxious and nervous. After her death, he started becoming more and more relaxed. I was keeping my mouth shut and he was talking to me about everything, except from the murders he committed which I never learned anything from him.", Milenna said .
"So, the record begins with Olivia's murder?", the judge asked her.
"Not exactly. There is something that eludes you!", Milenna told her.
"What do you mean? Is there another murder?", the judge asked her.
"There's something that I should be blamed for.", Milenna said.
"Which is?", the judge asked her.
"For the attempted murder of Evelynn Dawson!", Milenna said and then Scott, Owen, Grace, Amelia and Evelynn were in huge shock alongside the police members and the former NEMESIS members.
"Jackson was cooperating with the Python and NEMESIS long before the murders happened. When the Python's virus infected Evelynn as well, Jackson thought that she would become a threat to him, so he asked me to knock her out while it was still early. As you see, my best friend and my husband have been cooperating with each other against so many people, but I was too weak to say the truth to anyone. Jackson pressured me to kill her, with many threats and extortions. After I saw that I had no other choice, I decided to do it, and kill her. Of course, in the end it was too much for me to do it. I wasn't capable of committing such crime. I've done many things in my life. But I couldn't paint my hands with the blood of an innocent.", Milenna said.
"And then? What happened then?", the judge asked her.
"Thankfully, Dylan Myers, the Python, needed Evelynn for his work. She's his cousin and one of his weaknesses, so he didn't want to harm her. Fortunately, Evelynn followed the Python inside NEMESIS and I'm saying fortunately, because.. because she took me out of the predicament. That's why I'm telling you not to let yourselves be deceived by his supposed sad face and his staginess. In order to get what he wants, he's capable of convincing the Devil himself.", Milenna said and looked at him.
"Continue, witness. What else do you have to say about the accused one? What kind of an opinion do you have for him?", the judge asked her.
"He never left anything in luck. What he only cared about was to guard the things he thought that belonged to him. Money and authority! Every single one of his moves was premeditated. Imagine an excellent chess player! The same is for Jackson. With the difference that Jackson's pawns were real people.", Milenna said.
"So you're claiming that he had full consciousness of his deeds.", the judge said.
"From the first, until the last of his murders. He knew very well what he was doing. He just didn't care about it. Human life for Jackson was consumable. When you ceased to be useful for him or when you were becoming a threat, he was eliminating you.", Milenna said and Jackson was thinking about his murders once again. He thought about the day he shot Sylvia, he poisoned Isabella, he strangled Olivia, he pushed Amanda from the stairs, he shot Jacqueline, he murdered Candice and he stabbed and shot Madison.
"So, you don't believe that he murdered those women only to protect his family!", the judge said.
"In no case! The only things he cared about were power, wealth and status. He never cared about his family. And I find it ridiculous, to say the least, that now he's trying to seem as an affectionate husband and man. For years, after he got inside the college he wanted to find his own parents with one and only purpose. To kill them.", Milenna said.
"Are you sure about that?", the judge asked her and after Milenna turned around and looked at Jackson, she said: "He confessed that to me himself. When I heard about that I got shocked. I knew that his parents weren't the kindest people alive, but I didn't know he was willing to follow that path. I couldn't believe that someone was able of doing such thing. To kill his own blood. And when I asked him if he meant it do you know what he answered? 'I don't need parents or friends to survive. I will harm whoever tries to take what is mine. Even you'." and then every person was looking at Milenna with goggled eyes since they couldn't believe in their ears.
"This is Jackson Walker, ladies and gentlemen. Cruel and cynical.", Milenna said and the jurors were still making some noise.
"Silence, please. Do not make me evacuate the room.", the judge said and the jurors stopped.
"And you have been assisting him in all those schemes.", the judge told Milenna.
"That's true.. I looked for the people Jackson wanted to harm, but when I found them, I tried to protect them by all means. It was the least I could do. The night of Olivia's murder I gave him an alibi, because I was afraid of him. I thought that there was nothing else I could do.", Milenna confessed.
"Is there anything else?", the judge asked her.
"Yes! I had Jackson's board in my possession. Renata Short found that little board inside Jackson's office. The board was having several names and what Jackson would do if these people kept on betraying or failing him. After a long time, Renata sent this board to me. Evelynn Dawson, Nathan Prince and Owen Cole's names were also written inside this board. They were targets to him as well.", Milenna said.
"We know about this board, witness. We have it in our possession now.", the judge said.
"Only that both me and Renata didn't give that board to the police on time and Jackson managed to escape. Later, thankfully, this board was given to the police and could be used against him.", Milenna said and Braxton got up.

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