Chapter 3

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'This is Malfoy Manor. Lucius and Narcissa will be able to help you. Trust them.' Tom spoke gently, urging the eleven year old forward.

The tired boy only made it to the doorway before he passed out.

*Le time ssskip of the next day*

Lights shined on his eyes waking him up. A groan slipped out of his mouth as he went to roll over  and pain shot down his legs. "Slow down. You were exhausted when you collapsed on our door step." A woman's voice said. A hand touched his shoulder and he flinched back.

'That is Narcissa Malfoy.' Tom informed him.

"My name is Narcissa Malfoy." Narcissa said at the same time as Tom. "Why are you here? Why did you come?"

"T-Tom told me to come." Narcissa gasped when he said Tom, wondering if it is the very same Tom. She highly doubted that it was the bartender Tom. "I ran away from my family." Harry spat the word family out of his mouth like it was the most vile thing ever.

"Why would you run from your family?" She asked, sitting down on the bed next to him.

'Can I trust her?' Harry asked Tom.

'Yes. She won't send a wizard child away.' Tom soothed.

"They-" He paused, trying to gather the best words to explain. "When I was young, I was sent to my aunt and uncle to raise. As I grew up, I asked what happened to my parents. I was told that they were in a car accident due to drunk driving and that my dad was a pimp and my mom was a whore. Then I was beaten and told to be quiet. When I started to have accidental magic outbursts like turning my teachers hair blue when I was punished unfairly or ap-apor-apparating onto the school roof to avoid bullies, I was beaten and then starved. I lived in a little tiny cupboard under the stairs. Tom told me to run when I accidentally vanished the glass in a Reptile House in a zoo." Harry looked away.

Narcissa was impressed with some of the acts of accidental magic. However she was mad that his aunt and uncle told him that his parents were drunks. She knew Harry Potter was in the bed. He was nothing like the Wizarding World had been told. "What is that tattoo around your neck?"

"I... I actually have no idea. I set a basilisk loose in the zoo and it said it would be my familiar before vanishing. I don't know what it meant." Harry poked at the general area of the mark that circled his neck.

"I can explain it to you later after we go to Diagon Alley. My son, Draco, is going to Hogwarts this year." Narcissa moved to stand up and Harry fished in his pockets for the letter he got.

"This place?" He showed her the letter and she smiled.

"Yes. Do you know what you need to do to get ready?"

"No. When I was still with my... aunt and uncle, Tom said he would tell me where to go when it was time." Harry slid to the edge of the bed and stood up slowly.

Narcissa looked at him oddly. It was a mixter of fear and surprise. "Who is this Tom you keep talking about?"

'Say Voldemort.' Tom whispered to him.

"He said to tell you Voldemort. He is with me wherever I go. He helps me." Harry cocked his head.

"So...Tom is not trying to kill you?" Narcissa asked curiously.

'Tell her to tell you about your parents. Tell her to tell you about me.' Tom instructed before retreating further into his mind.

Harry listened and did as he was told. So Narcissa told him what really happened to his parents and when he asked about Voldemort after he learned that Tom had killed his parents all Narcissa said was, "It was war. Voldemort was like you when he was younger but he became something better than anyone else. He became a Dark Lord. Voldemort was a great man. Terrible, yes. But great."

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