Chapter 9

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Once the list reached Tom and the hat was put on his head, it was no contest.

"Slytherin!" The hat shouted. Hadrian found Dumbledore's face amusing as his eyes widened and jaw dropped.

"HARRY POTTER!" Professor Mcgonagall called out. Whispers spread threw the hall and Hadrian stepped forward.

"My name is Hadrian Potter." Hadrian corrected. The strict woman just nodded her head in shock.

"Hello young Peverell. A fine mind you have." The hat whispered. "HOGWART'S HEIR! CHOOSE YOUR HOUSE!"

Hadrian chuckled out loud when everyone went silent. "Where would I be best suited old friend?"

"You have always had a thirst for knowledge so you would do well in Ravenclaw, however your loyalty is unmatched and Hufflepuff would gladly take you as a badger. You would make a fine lion as well with that adventorus spirit that can not be held back. However I sense that that I'd not what you wish. With a fine mind like yours and your particular history as well as the one Thomas Riddle... SLYTHERIN!" The hat finally called.

Silence reigned in the Great Hall before the Slytherins cheered loudly. A voice rose above the rest. "TRAITOR! NO POTTER HAS EVER BEEN IN SLYTHERIN!" Hadrian will give you two guesses on who said that.

"Sorry to disappoint you." Hadrian tilted his head to the side. "But Dorea was a Slytherin."

"And who is this Dorea?" The Weasley asked arrogantly.

"Dorea Potter nee Black is Hadrian's grandmother. We went to school together." Mcgonagall replied. "And fifty points from Gryiffindor for disrespect."

The other lions angrily yelled at the Weasley for dropping them in the negative already.

Hadrian walked quickly and elegantly over to Tom and sat down, leaning his head against Tom's shoulder as everyone else stared at him. Tom looked down at Hadrian. "Are you still tired?" Tom asked.

"I..." Hadrian yawned. "I guess I am."

Tom gave a small hum as Dumbledore stood up. "Before you tuck into your lovely looking dinner, I would just like to say a few words. Nitwit, blubber, oddment, tweak. Thank you." Dumbledore bowed, shooting an almost angry look at Hadrian who had his eyes closed.

Tom nudged Hadrian. "Eat."

"No." Hadrian whines. "I am still tired."

"Eat!" Tom snarled.

Everyone was surprised when the Boy-Who-Lived simply opened his mouth, eyes still closed. Tom sighed and filled up his spoon with mashed potatoes and fed him. Slowly the hall was filling up with normal chatter, though people still looked over at the duo as they filled their plates up with mashed potatoes, steaks, carrots, chicken, sauted onions, broccoli, cauliflower, and so much more.

Meanwhile, the Slytherins whispered and shot glances at Tom and Harry before a brave yet stupid pug faced girl spoke up. "I have never heard of a pure blood Gaunt family. You must be a mudblood." She sneered and Draco paled.

"Parkinson, I would advise you watch your mouth. The Gaunts are related directly to Salazar Slytherin himself." Draco spoke quietly to her.

"My family is a pure blood family from the America's. Yes I am directly related to the Salazar Slytherin." Tom nearly spat as he looked over at her in disgust.

Hadrian looked up just as an older year conjured a snake. "Prove it. If you are related to him then you must have his famous gift. Speak to the snake." The older year smuggly said, thinking he won and could put this imposter in his place.

"Beautiful creature, I am sorry for the disturbance these ungrateful swines have caused you." Tom hissed softly.

"Speaker! It is okay now that I have found one of high status." The snake hissed back delightedly.

"Feed me." Hadrian pouted. "I am being neglected."

"Don't even joke about that Hadrian. That is not funny." Tom spat out, turning an angry glare at the boy who was still leaning on him. His glare softened when he felt him flinch. "I am sorry Little Serpent, but we both have first hand knowledge of how much a neglectful childhood hurts."

"Little Speakers were neglected!?!" The snake hissed in outrage, rising as high as she could spitting. "They deserve to be bitten by the slowest venom so they can die excruciating painful deaths!"

"That is fine beautiful, but it was a long time ago. Please, go back home and enjoy your life."

"Fine Speaker. Enjoy your life as well." The snake said before disappearing into smoke.

"TWO PARSELMOUTHS!" The entire Slytherin table shouted. Hadrian cuddled into Tom's side even further before dozing back into sleep.

"My Kings." The whole table bowed their heads and the current king stood up and moved away from the head of the table.

The entire Great Hall watched as Tom stood up carefully before picking up Hadrian, move to the seat, sit down, and carefully place Hadrian on his lap, arm curled protectively around his back to make sure he doesn't fall down. "No..." Dumbledore whispered, an almost horrified look on his face. The image of young Tom Riddle and the new Thomas Gaunt overlapped showing identical boys.

Tom heard him and smirked. "So the game begins."

I know. I know. It is a lame chapter. I still hope you enjoyed it because I have been to busy to make anything better. Have a good night or have a good day depending on where you are at.

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