Chapter 8

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Tom ignored everyone's gasping in awe and instead stared at Hadrian, watching as his eyes slid closed in happiness as the sentient magic of the castle washed over him. Soon they were led up to the large doors which opened to reveal a strict looking woman with her hair in a tight bun. "I'll take it from here Hagrid."

"Yes ma'am." Hagrid stepped out of the way. "I will see you tomorrow." Hagrid turned and waded through the children as they stared around at the castle in wonder.

"This way children." The strict looking woman pushed the doors wide open and led the children inside. "Follow me."

Hadrian pushed his way to the front of the group and gripped the professor's robes. "Did you know my parents?" Hadrian asked, wide Avada Kedavra green eyes innocently looking up at her.

"Yes. Your father was a right troublemaker in his days here." She stopped in front of a door and pushed it open. "You will wait here until you are called. I will escort you to the Great Hall then." She left the room.

"-will be Harry Potter's best mate!" An obnoxious voice sounded behind Hadrian.

Tom turned to look at the one who said it. It was a red head with freckles on his face. "Says who?"

The boy arrogantly puffed out his chest. "Me! He will be in Gryffindor and we will be best mates and together we will save the Wizarding World!"

Draco looked the boy up and down. "Ratty clothes, red hair, terrible manners. Must be a Weasley." The Malfoy heir sneered.

"Shut up Malfoy. I wasn't talking to you." The now identified Weasley spat before turning to Tom. "Who are you? Are you a slimy snake Death Eater?"

Tom stood up and lifted his chin. "My name is Thomas Gaunt, descendant of the great Salazar Slytherin, one of the Sacred 28. You will show some respect blood traitor."

"Well I have never heard of the 'Gaunts' before so they were obviously not important." The Weasley scoffed, turning away.

Hadrian noticed that Tom's lips were curling into a snarl and reaching for his wand. The green eyed boy draped an arm over his shoulder and tugged him away from the red head. "He's not worth it Tom."

"Cowards." The Weasley taunted behind their back. Hadrian turned and sent him a glare, accidentally turning his hair silver and green. "I AM HARRY POTTER'S BEST MATE AND YOU WILL REGRET IT WHEN I TELL HIM!"

"I hate to burst your bubble but I don't think Harry would like to be your friend." Hadrian hissed, his words borderline parsletongue.

The professor opened the door and gestured for them to follow her. Once in the Great Hall, the professor picked up a rough looking hat. The old man at the head table stood up. "Professor Mcgonagall will now start the sorting."

"Bones Susan!"

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