Chapter 7

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"No one had ever seen the creature in that cage. It is a creature that was said to be lost to time. Some myths claim it is a hell hound. Some claim it is Anubis himself. One thing is for sure, it can be very...aggressive." The owner whispered to the group.

Snape rose an eyebrow. "Aggressive? How?"

"A few of my clients have come up to the cage every now and then and something hits the bars with enough force that it dents the cage." The owner turned to look at the raven haired boy in the cage. "It got to the point we had to have a constant light above the cage to see its shadow."

"Lumos." Narcissa cast, raising her wand over the cage.

The store owner whimpered as a large shadow appeared, curled around Hadrian's form. The shadow shifted with a threatening hiss. Hadrian shook his head and stared up at the group. "This magnificent creature is my second familiar." Hadrian said happily.

The owner nodded quickly. "Please! Take the creature and leave!"

Moments later, the group walked out of the store, the large shadow trailing beside Hadrian. "Can I feel it?" Draco asked, just as Tom asked, "What is it?"

"This creature is one of Death's own. They are superior to hell hounds and there are only about one hundred of them. They are Death's judges, hence the name of Anubis. This one isn't even full size." Hadrian pet the creature next to him. "Their species is called Phantom. Death thought it was hilarious."

"That's not funny in the slightest." Tom sent a stinging hex at him.

"Well, let's go back home." Lucius grabbed Draco and apparrated back to the manor. Tom turned to where they were last and frowned.

Hadrian rolled his eyes and jumped on the Dark Lord's back, causing him to stumble forward a little. "Come on! Let's go! I'm hungry!" Hadrian whined.

"Let's go." The Dark Lord sighed in exasperation. He knew how much Hadrian needs to eat to become a healthy weight. Just because he got his memories of his past life, it doesn't erase the malnutrition and neglect from his relatives of this life. "My little serpent needs nothing but the best." With that, he turned on the spot and with a sharp crack they disappeared.

September 1st

"Remember! Write at least once a week! And come back home for Yule break. I will miss you two!" Narcissa squeezed the life out of Hadrian and Draco.

Since their time from Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley, the two boys had become something close to brothers and Tom tolerated the blonde's presence whenever he was around. "Of course Mother." Draco replied.

The Hogwarts Express whistled loudly, signalling five minutes to departure. "Have some trolley money dears." Narcissa handed Hadrian, Tom, and Draco each a bag of galleons. Tom rolled his eyes at the woman and Hadrian elbowed him. "Remember, Severus is there if you need him."

"The train is about to leave." Lucius coughed, interrupting their moment. Tom nodded to the Malfoy's and boarded the train, leading the other two down the hall to the very back of the train. Draco held opened the compartment door and they all slipped in.

Hadrian's eyes immediately landed on the T. M. R. engraved into one of the seats. "Really?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. He waved his Bloodwood wand next to the engraving and a cursive HJP and HP flanked the aged initials. Hadrian laughed when Tom's eye twitched. Anubis, the Phantom, sat down on the seat next to Hadrian and Rowan drapes himself over Hadrian's neck.

"We need to go over a few...rules for Hogwarts." Tom rested his right ankle on his left knee.

Draco nodded. "Yes My Lord."

Hadrian nodded when Tom turned red eyes to him. Tom continued on. "First, don't trust Albus. Second, you listen to me. Third, do not fail. I expect you to get Outstandings on your scores and be in the top 5. Fourth, do not call me My Lord unless we are in the common room. I am pretty sure Draco and I will be in Slytherin so that will work out."

"I technically own Hogwarts." Hadrian pointed out helpfully.

Draco smirked. "I forgot about that."

After an hour of talking, Hadrian fell asleep, his head on Tom's lap. Rowan was back as a tattoo on his neck and Phantom was nowhere to be seen. Draco said nothing as Tom started to pet Hadrian's hair as he read, instead, the blonde turned to look out the window. When they were ten minutes from Hogwarts, Tom woke Hadrian and they got dressed in their school uniforms. The train slowed to a stop and they were led off of the train.

"FERS YEARS O'ER 'EAR! FERS YEARS!" A booming voice shouted and Tom squinted at the man it came from.

"Is that? Oh my Merlin!" Tom groaned.

"What?" Hadrian asked curiously.

"I framed that guy for a murder." Tom grumbles under his breath.

Shouts came from the carriages and everyone parted like water as the carriages circled the group of three. Hadrian's lips stretched into a wide grin while Tom backed up a few steps. To everyone else, it looked like he was patting and cooing at nothing. "Hello beautifuls! Aren't you just gorgeous!"

"W'AS GOIN' ON?" Hagrid boomed, forcing his way between the carriages to the center.

"Nothing. My babies wanted to say hi. They are lovely." Hadrian again patted the air.

Hagrid looked spooked. "You can see them?"

"Why yes. Yes I can. I seen my parents die at a young age and usually creatures of Death follow me to get a little bit of my attention." Hadrian rubbed his nose against the Threstal and it neighed at him.

"Er right. FERS YEARS! THIS WAY NOW! IN THE BOATS! FERS YEARS!" Hagrid called and the first years slipped into the boats.

Tom ignored everyone's gasping in awe and instead stared at Hadrian, watching as his eyes slid closed in happiness as the sentient magic of the castle washed over him. Soon they were led up to the large doors which opened to reveal a strict looking woman with her hair in a tight bun. "I'll take it from here Hagrid."

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