Chapter 4

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Narcissa lead Harry to the living room where a tall scary looking guy with blond hair and grey eyes stood with a boy next to him. The boy looked to be his age and he also had blonde hair and grey eyes. Both wore robes and both had scowls. "Potter." The boy sneered.

Harry flinched at the cold tone, looking up to Narcissa who looked furious. "I-I am sorry! I'll leave!" Harry backed away quickly as the man looked shocked.

Narcissa put a hand on his back to stop him from leaving. "How dare you treat a guest like that Draco!" She scolded the boy, who Harry realized was Draco.

"But Mother!" Draco protested, stepping forward.

"No buts young man! Harry is staying here for the rest of the summer until school and he will stay here for the holidays and he will stay for the coming summers! I expect you to play nice!" Narcissa shouted angrily.

"But Cissa-" Lucius almost pleaded.

"No." She snapped at him.

Lucius ignored it and grabbed Harry's arm, yanking it up. Harry froze in place, eyes widening in terror. "Do you not know who this is? This is the Light's precious Savior! The Boy-Who-Lived!"

Sensing Harry's distress, the tattoo glowed before the large snake inhabiting it sprang free, wrapped around his neck. The snake reared up, hissing and spitting angrily at Lucius. "Stay off of him!" The basilisk snapped it's jaws at the man who immediately dropped Harry's arm.

Harry scrambled away from the tall blonde guy as the snake hissed and spat at him. "I don't understand! I didn't do anything!" Harry whimpered quietly.

Narcissa immediately cooed at him. "No. No. Of course you didn't do anything! He doesn't understand yet! Let me tell you a secret..." She leaned in before whispering, loud enough for the others to hear. "I am a Black born. Blacks care for their own. Your godfather is a Black. So you are family."

'Back away slowly Harry and call Tom.' The large snake hissed at the woman who stayed still.

'T-Tom?' Harry asked.

Tom immediately answered. 'What's wrong? Are you in danger?'

'I don't know!' Harry whined. 'Scary man grabbed me! I didn't do anything!'

Harry heard Tom grumbling. 'I need your body for a minute.'

'Okay?' Harry said hesitantly.

'What I am about to do, I will no longer be inside of your head. I will be doing a ritual so I can have my body back. The scary man has what I need to do that.'

'You are going to leave me?' Harry started to cry. His friend was going to leave him!

'No. I will be with you. I will de-age myself so we can go to Hogwarts together.' Tom soothed.

Harry mentally nodded after a moment, accepting his reassurance, before receding. His Avada Kedavra green eyes turned Crucio red as Tom took control and soothed the basilisk. Narcissa noticed the difference first. "My Lord!" She cried, bowing quickly.

"You have something of mine Lucius. I need it." Tom said through Harry's mouth, coldness practically radiating from the words.

"I-I don't understand what I might have of yours my Lord." Lucius stammered, bowing deeply, knowing he was going to get punished.

"My diary. The one I gave your father, Abraxas. I want it back." Tom hissed.

"O-Of course! DOBBY!" The Malfoy Lord yelled. A loud crack sounded and a cowering house elf appeared at the man's feet. "Fetch the diary from my father's safe inside the library and bring it here at once." Lucius ordered.

"Dobby's bes doings that for you right aways master!" The young house elf replied frantically before popping away.

The silence was practically agonizing for the Malfoy family as Tom examined Harry's nails with impatience and stroked the basilisk's head as he waited. After a minute the elf popped back and handed Tom the diary before leaving again.

"Catch him Narcissa." Tom gave a warning before his eyes rolled back into his head and he fell. Narcissa caught Harry's unconscious body and watched in fascination as a second body slowly appeared into existence next to him.

Voldemort's new body appeared to be a fifteen or sixteen year old with creamy skin, chocolate brown almost black hair, and his signature Crucio red eyes. "Lucius, call Snape." Narcissa whispered. "Draco, go to your room sweetie. We don't know what mood he will be in when he awakens." Draco's eyes were wide as he nodded, practically running out of the room.

As she was gently setting Harry on the couch, the floo flared green, roaring as Snape stepped out of it. "What?" He said irritably. "I have a school year to prepare for."

"Severus." Lucius took a deep breath. "Our Lord is back."

"That's not possible!" Severus sneered at his friend. "Harry Potter killed him."

"Actually Severus. Harry Potter saved me and if I catch you mistreating him I will allow Bella to have free reign over you." Voldemort said coldly and everyone flinched. "Robe me." A house elf handed him a robe quickly and left again. "Where is he?" He asked Narcissa.

"Over here my Lord." She showed him to the couch, just as Harry was starting to wake up.

'T-Tom?' Harry hissed in Parseltongue.

'I am here Harry. How are you feeling?' Voldemort looked down at the boy.


'Excuse me?' Voldemort rose an eyebrow.

'My... Name. It's Hadrian Peverell.' Harry, no, Hadrian sat up, groaning from the pain of separation.

"He's a parselmouth!" Severus gasped in shock. "Who is he?"

"That is Harry Potter." Narcissa replied before turning a glare on him. "And I will remind you that Blacks protect our own."

Severus winced. Voldemort smiled at the boy and helped him up. "Well Hadrian. I said I would go to Hogwarts with you."

"And what would your name be?" Hadrian asked mock rudely.

Voldemort ignored him and instead turned to Severus. "Hadrian has joined the Dark-" Hadrian rolled his eyes. "So he is now under my protection. I know about your Unbreakable Vow to Dumbledore concerning Harry and his safety so you can rest assured that he will be safe."

Severus bowed. "Of course my Lord."

"I need a de-aging potion. Do you have any with you?"

"Yes. I carry some in my personal travel kit with all kinds of potions."

"Give it to me." Voldemort held out a pale hand to the Potions Master, who riffled through his bag and handed it to him.

"Four drops should be enough my Lord." Severus explained. "It takes a few minutes to get started."

"Good. We will be going to Diagon Alley as soon as the potion is finished." Voldemort put a hand on Hadrian's shoulder.

"We will have so much fun." Hadrian smiled innocently as he stroked the basilisk.

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