Chapter 17

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Dear Hadrian Peverell,

It has come to our, at Gringotts, attention that an old friend of yours has learned of your... condition. He has asked us to send a message and has mentioned about your blood being used in a ritual for one Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore the day after you were born.

As we all know, blood is a powerful substance used for some of the darkest rituals, especially when blood of the Master is used.

Our mutual friend has contacted us after finding out further details and would like to set up a meeting.

This letter is a portkey straight to the Kings office. The password is Vampire in Parsel.

Looking forward to seeing you as soon as possible.

Yours at Gringotts,


Confused was the first thing Hadrian felt when the large raven handed him his letter and he opened it up. However upon learning about his blood being forcibly taken and used in a dark ritual (and Hadrian had a feeling he knew which ritual it was) He was murderous.

How dare that insolent worm use his precious blood?

Ooooooooooo.... when Hadrian finds out exactly what that ritual is, he is going to overload it and make that meddlesome fool regret it!

He stood up and stormed out of the Great Hall, not caring that his snakes shuddered when he went by. He had to much important things to do. He rushed to the Whomping Willow, having long since realized that that trees species, are in fact Dark and somehow creatures of Death.

The tree was about to swing its branches at him before recoiling away like it had been burned with Fiendfyre. Hadrian glared at it before continuing on down the tunnel into the Shrieking Shack. "Vampire!" The hissing spits of ancient snake language came forth from his lips like a curse.

The familiar pull of a hook around his navel and spinning brought him from his thoughts as he landed in front of a pale skinned, red eyed, black as midnight haired man in fancy clothes.

"I knew that would have gotten your attention old friend." The man smirked wver so slightly.

Hadrian scowled at him."What ritual?"

The man put a hand to his chest in mock hurt. "Not even a hello for your oldest and dearest friend?"

Hadrian opened his mouth to retort but a cough interrupted him. "Are we ready to discuss this problem or are you two going to kill each other?" King Ragnok laced his hands together, staring intently at the duo.

Hadrian sighed. "Death came to me a little bit ago asking for help with a problem. Then Zacharias decided to contact me almost immediately after so it is obviously connected."

Zacharias rolled his eyes. "I have found out that the ritual he is using is an ancient ritual that-

"And what exactly is this rituals name?" Hadrian snarked and Ragnok sighed.

Zacharias sighed. "Like I said. It's an ancient ritual and those don't usually have names. The ritual is borderline necromantic in origin. It takes blood forcibly taken and a few other rare ingredients. It has mostly been long forgotten because of the ritual actually taking several years to actually activate."

Ragnok frowned. "What does the ritual do?"

Hadrian paled when he finally peiced it together. "It siphons my magic, growing stronger and taking more as the years go on..."

Zacharias nodded. "It is also taking your life force. Dumbledore is using you to live longer."

Hadrian took a deep breath in an effort to stay calm.





The entire Gringotts building shook and dust rained from the ceiling.

Albus Dumbledore should know better than to mess with Death.

And the Master of Death can be worse.

While Hadrian was debating the merits of murdering the old fool, Zacharias and Ragnok threw up the strongest wards they could until slowly, the building stopped shaking. "Of course this would explain Death's problem of loose souls escaping from him. The wrinkly old arsehole has been screwing around in things he shouldn't be." Hadrian muttered, pacing back and forth, literal green fire following his footsteps. "It was as I had suspected I suppose. It is possible for me to overload but there is only one way and it would take a while and wait a few more years." Hadrian thought about it and blushed a little. With the prescence of his ominous dark magic hanging heavily over the three of them, Zacharias and Ragnok didn't notice. "The true blending of magics would overload it but there is only one way for a true blend. Would he agree?" Hadrian said softly as he paused.

All at once, everything turned off like a faucet. His magic recoiled, green flames doused, and his Killing Curse eyes dimmed. Zacharias approached him cautiously before wrapping him in a hug. "Little bat. Why is it always you?"

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