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The large lecture hall was still and silent apart from random papers rustling and the occasional cough. Tense energy consumed the room as they all desperately tried to end their term on a good note. It was Lilith's last final of fall semester and then winter break. It had been difficult to study lately but she felt confident in her ability to pass this test. She turned in the exam to her professor and left the auditorium feeling free. She walked out of her college's science building and across the large, frosted lawn, rushing to get home before she froze. The cold air burned her lungs and stung her eyes as she sped down the sprawling lawns of the University. On her way back home, she found herself reviewing the events since she last saw Ghost on Halloween. At first, she had been consumed by loneliness and sadness. Over the following weeks, she was able to put those thoughts aside and finish school strong. The nightmares of the black figure started about a week ago, which she had attributed to the stress of finals.

Lilith ran across the street at the far side of campus and into the courtyard of her apartment building. It had been a year since she was last at home and this was the perfect time of year to be in Oregon. Packing for her trip had provided the perfect way to procrastinate from studying over the past few days too. She grabbed her suit case and bolted out the door, just in time to catch the bus near her apartment. Despite the inclement weather, she made her flight to Philadelphia just in time.


Christmas was in four days, she had a homecoming party in 10 hours, and she would be spending it in a terrible airport instead of at home in Oregon. During her 4-hour layover from Philadelphia to Phoenix, Arizona a snowstorm had rolled in and delayed all the flights out. The airport was large, but like most airports, it was also expensive. After some window shopping, she ended up in a coffee shop not far from her terminal. She had gone to the coffee shop by campus nearly every weekday since she left Ghost in hopes of finding the man that gave her the tickets. She wasn't sure what she was going to say to him but she hoped to get answers, or even closure. Deciding to avoid caffeine, she got a hot cocoa and sat down near the railing that overlooked the terminal and shops. Though she tried to relax she felt distracted today, upset that she wasn't where she ought to be. She sat and played with her hair as she watched the bustle around the shops, a frown on her face.

The airport was decorated with bells and wreaths, large silver and red ornaments on the fake evergreen rounds. Strung from the high ceilings were glittering lights and silver orbs strung on silver and red ribbons. Soft instrumental Christmas music played overhead, the warmth of the airport contrasting to the blizzard outside. People sat in clusters near the sparse outlets throughout the terminal, a lucky few near someone with a power strip. She watched the heavy snow fall through the large windows near the coffee shop, her lips pouty.

"Anything interesting?" asked a voice with a hint of a Swedish accent. Lilith yelped and nearly knocked her drink over. Across from her sat the green-eyed man, leaning back in the chair with his legs crossed. He gave her a cocky smile, clearly amused that he startled her. She was paler and thinner than the last time he saw her, but just as beautiful.

"Ack! You should try to announce yourself." She forced a smile, though she really felt like yelling at him. "Wait a second...how did you get here?" she asked, the realization of where she was sitting hitting her. Her stomach flipped in her belly, anxiety making her instantly nauseous.

"Probably the same way you got here!" He laughed. She was suspicious but didn't want to waste any time on that considering the importance of other matters. She had waited two months for this moment, she didn't have time for details.

"Well, I am glad to see you again. I was hoping we could talk." She leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table. This might be her only chance, and she needed to get over her nerves.

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