Push and Shove

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About 30 minutes before the band began to play Lilith went down to the pit between the barricade and the stage. It was an electric feeling, the anticipation that filled the room and she smiled. Every concert was thrilling, and the excitement of the crowd was contagious. She took pictures of the concert goers and chatted with the photographer who was working the show. Talking with the people against the rail, she found that some were very eager to speak with her. Two drunk men asked her what she did for the band and if she traveled with them. Their smiles make her anxious and she was quick to move on. They watched her as she moved along the barricade, talking amongst themselves. During the first half of the concert, she took pictures of the band. Alpha was particularly theatrical tonight, much to the joy of the fans screaming behind her. After a bit, she went backstage to take pictures of Air, Earth, and the writhing crowd, swaying and entranced. After the concert, she stuck around a bit to help, but left before Air came to yell at her again.

The air was unseasonably cold for where they were, chilling her through the wool jacket as she stepped out of the theater. Tugging at the coat, Lilith walked down the back ally to the bus, keeping her eyes on the uneven pavement below her. The wide path was dimly lit, the streetlights bleeding into the night at the ends. Crunching of gravel beside her slowed her steps, her senses instantly heightening. Two men from the concert came out of the shadows behind the building, wicked smiles on their faces. She averted her eyes and increased her walking pace, hoping to avoid any conflict. Lilith's ankles wobbled on the uneven pavement, slowing her progress considerably. Her heart picked up pace, her stomach tightening at the sight of their dark eyes.

Unfortunately, the ally was long, running the length of the block with a high concrete wall obscuring the view of the buildings behind it. Chancing a glance over, she quickly surveyed the lurking figures. The man nearest her was tall and large, clearly spending time on his physique. He stood at roughly 6'3, his dark brown hair peeking out from his wool beanie. The second man was a bit wider, more heavy set and about four inches shorter. Their faces were difficult to make out in the dark night, but their toothy grins caught the light from the buildings above. A chill ran through her, and she forced her ankles to cooperate and quickened her steps.

"Hey babe!" the taller man slurred; the words sounding thick in his mouth. His buddy laughed and lunged out, grabbing her wrist. Her heart jumped as he pulled her back, causing her to slip and fall. Lilith landed on her hip, pain shooting down her right leg. She winced and cried out at the pain, the damp gravel crunching under her impact. "Don't get dirty now. We just want to talk." The first man lectured and pulled her up, tearing her wool jacket off and tossing it into a puddle. She looked to see if anyone was around, but it was late. The streets were empty, the sound of the busy road next to them echoing off the surroundings, muffling the sound in the ally. The cold bit at her face and legs, her side now dirty and damp.

"Don't get any funny ideas." The shorter man warned, pulling her close to him. The smell of beer was sickening, oozing out of his pores and covering her. She pushed him as hard as she could, her mind trying to find any escape. Panic overwhelmed her, the sound of her pounding heart dampening the men's voices. She drew in a deep breath to scream for help but was immediately silenced by the first man who was now standing behind her. His hand smelt of cigarettes and booze, making her stomach wretch as it clamped down on her mouth. With his other arm, he held her hands behind her back. She felt like a trapped animal, her breath jagged and panicked and her stomach lurching. Push them! Her inner dialog cried. Though she knew it was futile, it was her only option. She had to get away, get even a moment to call for help. Perhaps if she yelled loud enough, someone in the buildings or on the sidewalk would help her.

Closing her eyes, she focused all her energy on picturing them forcefully flying from her. She could feel energy building in her, hot like a raising fire. The second man suddenly grabbed her breast, the sudden act shocking and angering her. Wanting more, he tore the buttons off her cream sweater, the round plastic disks falling onto the asphalt below. Lilith whimpered and pulled against the hold on her but it didn't faze them. She tried to kick him, her feet slipping on the ground under her, the pain in her hip searing back to life. He grinned, shoving his hand down her dress, scrapping her breast with his unkept nails.

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