she needs my help

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All this time she tried to get my help with this kind of way.
No!! Please just leave me alone!!

I refuse to help her, she's dead. There's nothing to help with.
Her eyes turned red and her facile expression seems angry.
She got closer and closer , i tripped and fell on the bed.

She didn't stop and kept on going.
Then someone banged the door really hard open against the wall.

She disappeared, i got up and see that hyunseong was in the room.

Sorry for being loud , i forgot something.

He came to me and hugged me really tight.
I felt like something was gonna happen to you. He said in a soft tone in my ear.

He continued hugging me tight while i started sniffing trying to hold my tears back. Are you crying? He asked me and pulled me out the hug to look at me.

Before he had the chance i buried my head on his chest hugged him back and cried silently.

He stroke me head shh it's okay, i won't ever leave you alone again.

Hyunseong's POV

Her hands slowly got off my back releasing from the hug, her head was still on my chest but it was slowly going down that's when i noticed she was about to fall on the ground but i caught her.

She fell asleep, she must be tired because of all this.
I put her on the bed with blankets on her.
I left the room to all our manager.

Hello manager hyung, can you come to our dorm and watch over josa?
I can't leave her alone at home.

Yeah sure, I'll be on my way to the dorm...bye!

He hang up and i waited for him to arrive. I took my car keys and got ready to go in a few minutes.

I opened the door and there was our manager standing there.
Oh great manager tou arrived exactly on time.

He smiled and went in, we'll take care of ourselves with the staff and make the photo shoots successful. I said and left closing the door.

Manager's POV

Okay so where's this girl, i nees to see her and make sure who she is.
She seemed weird when we met.

I got upstairs and saw a a typical girly door, i got inside and saw her asleep.

I sat on the edge of the bed and stroke her hair.

Josa's POV

Someone woke me up feeling a slimy hand on my hand, it felt inhuman.
This is not right, i decided to keep my eyes closed and pretend to sleep.

Then i felt the slimy hand gripping my throat tightly.
Don't pretend to be sleeping, i know what you feel and what you are.

I widened my eyes open confused by what he meant with"i k ow what you are"

The first day i met you you got a strange and scared feeling when you touched me, like just now how did you feel my hand was inhuman?

That means only one thing....

You're "the altara".....

I didn't get what he meant're the altara.
What does it mean?
And why is he calling me like that and referring that it's me?

W..w..what do you mean I'm the altara?? I tried to say with difficulty because he was still grabbing my throat.

It means you're the main person that ses ghosts, they can posses you. You see people as inhumans expect for Boyfriend... and the most powerful part is...


You can bring ghosts alive frim the dead....

I never got surprised and scared at the same time like now.
Is he drunk? Why is he telling me nonsense?

Okay the part that i see ghosts amd they can posses me is true but me bringing them from the dead did make any sense to me.

It's impossible to bring someone alive from the dead.

He released his hand of my throat.
If you ever bring someone alive i will kill you and that one again!


My hands started shaking. I nodded yes and he left my room.

But why should i and how can i bring a ghost back alive?

Will he really kill me?
Boyfriend should know what kind of manager they have.

We're back home!!!

Someone shouted from downstairs, i think they're back. I went downstairs but first i tried to calm myself only my hands kept trembling a bit. I continued walking and saw all if them in the living room.

Hyunseong came running to me he hugged me and i hugged him back by putting my hands around him.

I love you he said in my ear and i smiled.
Why are your hands shaking?? When he aske that the manager looked at me with angry snake eyes.

Oh oh it's nothing i said
He took my hands and clenched his fingers in mine then he put them on his waist. It's okay, your hands wilk stop shaking when they're around me he said and winked pulling me back in a hug.

The night

The day went over as usually until it's night. Everyone went to bed. I didn't feel tired so i stayed awake in my bed.

Before i knew it my eyes were closed and my dream began.

Ming ming appeared in my dream. As always she was wearing a white dress. I was walking in a park and she was standing on a bridge giving me a sign to come. I walked up to her.

So now you know you're the altara. You must watch out, the manager is dangerous to be with. He's gonna kill you for sure to complete his goal.

Wait, what is his goal? I asked

He needs to kill 3 girls and the altara to be the most powerful inhuman person. Now that he found the altara that's you he's going to kill you next.

What to you mean I'm next? He already killed 3 girls?? I said

Yes, he killed some random high school girl, his wife and me.

My eyes widened by the part she said he killed her. He killed you??! But you died in a car accident.

No, that's a lie he made up. He had the chance to kill me since he didn't like it that I'm donghyun's girlfriend cause it's againstthe agency and i was a poor girl so he saw me as a burden.

I tried to get your attention to help me but you refused. The thing i wanted is for you to help me get back alive, now you know that only you can do that.
If you bring someone alive from the ones he killed, he'll be destroyed and forever gone from the world, he won't be a ghost or anything. He'll be just gone forever and there's no way to come back.

Hold on! How am i supposed to bring you back alive?

You need to figure that out by yourself, i don't know that either. She answered and started walking away on the bridge.

No!!! Wait!! Help me to know how to do it.

WAIT!!! I yelled
My dream ended but it seemed real.
So now they can talk to me in my so called dreams.

What am i supposed to do ? Run away from him and try to find the answer to bring ming ming back alive?

If i Don't leave he'll kill me for sure.

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