Special: Family fun

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Hyunseong's POV

A lot happened this year, kwangmin got married and our second child is born...it's a boy again and we named him Minho.

Together with my lovely sweet wife and our two sons Shim Jinsu and Shim Minho we're a happy family.

The 4 of us went together to a hotel.

Daddy the swimming pool is awesome! Jinsu jumped in the water.

Josa stayed with Minho, I went to swim with Jinsu.

later on the three of us went to the beach, of course Josa and Minho didn't get into the water but it was so cute and beautiful to see how Josa is trying to learn Minho how to walk. A baby trying to walk is the most adorable thing to see.

my stomach starting making noises.

Son let's go eat something. I helped Jinsu out of the water and together we went back to Josa and Minho.

Mommy mommy I'm hungry, when are we going to eat?

Oh dear are you hungry, you're hungry to right ?...let's go eat dinner now.

we dressed up than and went to eat in the restaurant.

Hyunseong can you take the order while I feed Minho some milk?

.....of course I will honey.

I ordered enough for the three of us.
Here you go son, this is for my sweet wife and lastly for me...
Bon appetit ~

mmmm this is so yummy.
it seems like Jinsu really likes the menu.

after Jinsu was done eating he fell asleep hitting his head on the table.
dear, shall we go to the room, Jinsu got so tired and we can't let him sleep in a uncomfortable position. The baby fell asleep to and I'm kinda tired to ,you would be tired to.

come let's head back to the room.
I carried Jinsu in my arms to the room, Josa was with the baby walking behind me.

I took the key out of my pocket and opened the door.

Jinsu and Minho are tucked warmly in the bed.

Both of us went in bed to.
sweetie are you sleepy?

not yet....

come closer. she came closer and buried her face onto my chest.
we'll get warm like this.

I placed a soft kiss on her forehead ....and then on her sweet and soft lips... like always...the same...

Josa's POV

my body started tingling all over.
can you imagine what a simple soft kiss makes you feal and what it leads to ?....

this kiss got more intense.

and so on we went further....

we stopped because we were out of breath and fell asleepin his arms on the way to dreamland or shall i say loveland with my husband.

there's nothing more beautiful than Love and Family ♡

the Shim Family grew bigger and older with great friends and family.


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