ghost in the mirror

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Hyunseong's POV

It made me think about it  all the time... I want to know Why she was talking to herself, is she crazy? No No No that can't be, was she talking to a ghost ? Hyunseong stop thinking about stupid things ghosts don't exist!

I snapped out of my thoughts and started practicing for the song i had to sing.

Josa'a POV

The girl decided to help so I didn't need to practice from this task, I just need to let her go through me and she'll lead the song, everything will be fine.

The day of the song performance.

Everyone took their seats . The first one that went up was jeongmin with a guitar, he sang so beautiful. After some other pupils it was kwangmin's turn, he rapped and so did minwoo it sounded so cool.

Then it was donghyun's turn, he sang his solo give me the light with a piano, he's seems so talented.  Their were 4 more to go,  2 other students hyunseong and after all me.

When the 2 student finished singing hyunseong came up , his voice was so beautiful, it's my first time hearing it... it touched my heart.  His voice is too beautiful for words. Hearing him makes me feel like I'm in heaven.

Hyunseong's song ended and it was my turn, everyone was staring at me but I ignored them without looking at them and went up stage.

I reached out my hand as a sign for the ghost girl that I'm ready for her to go through me and she did... she started to sing.

Tears are blocking my sight again ♬
In case I see you
It has already gotten late without me knowing
Again today, I only waited for you

I call out to you like a fool
Some day, you’ll see me too
I wait for a long time while tears well up
Like this, another day passes.

Oh my god!  No! She can't do it right know...why did you leave me? What should i do? I have no choice i guess. I just continued singing with my own voice ready for them to make fun of me.

Just for today, I cry
Be happy forever, good bye
It’s okay if you think of me and smile sometimes
I’m fine thank you
Thank you

If you go on with your life as nothing happened
You might forget me
Even if you remember me sometimes
I’ll be fine so don’t worry

When I miss you so much that it’s hard
Be the wind and blow over to me
Sometimes, call my name from the hill over there
Then run to me and hold me tight

I’m fine thank you
♬ Thank you x2 ♬

The song ended and as expected no one was cheering or clapping for me. It seems that my voice was really terrible.

Suddenly someone started to clap for me and only the teacher followed.

I tried seeing who started clapping but I was to afraid to look up and see the face, the only thing I saw from the person who clapped for me is blue Jeans a white T-shirt and black sneakers... one thing also his body build was so damn handsome.

After this ended it was lunch time. I headed alone to get my lunch and I sat alone again at a table.

A sound of footsteps were walking to my table , it stopped right next to me. As always I didn't look up, I only saw the shoes.  The shoes were black sneakers, I looked more up and he was wearing blue jeans.. then I reached to her shirt ...It was white.

The body build was so handsome.. everything on him was the same like what i saw by the one who clapped and cheered for my song.

Mind if we Sit and eat lunch with you?  That voice.. I know that voice... it's hyunseong's voice.

I looked at him in the eyes and it's really him. I nodded and all of the boyfriend members sat with me on the table eating lunch, I can hear the girls talking.. this is so unfair, why would They sit with a weird girl like her!

I didn't pay attention to all of them and just continued eating my lunch.

Then hyunseong started to talk, you really sang great up stage it was great.

I just looked at him and it got silence at the table.

I excused myself and went to the girls restroom.

Hyunseong's POV

20 minutes passed and josa didn't come back from the restroom, I decided to go check on her, maybe she was on her way back.

In my way to the restroom I heard a girl screaming that sounded like it was coming from the girls restroom. 

Without thinking a second I just ran into the girls restroom because I knew it's josa's voice That's screaming.

Josa's POV

I headed to the girls restroom,  I opened the crane and put my hands under the water. I threw water into my face. I looked up in the mirror and started screaming.

I saw a terrifying ghost with with black holes in stead of eyes and blood dripping out if it like tears. Spiders coming out of his mouth and ears..

In this time he's the scariest  I saw in all time that it made me fall on the ground, i burried my head between my legs and cried . Then I heard a loud slam but I didn't dare to look up.

Hyunseong's POV

I slammed the door from the girls restroom open and went in. Josa was sitting on The ground with her head between her legs.

I ran up to here, kneeled down and lifted her chin up so that she's facing me. I looked at her in the eyes that were full of tears storming down to her cheeks.

I pulled her in a hug with her head on my chest. I stayed hugging her for a few minutes then I pulled her out to face me again.

Josa's POV

He pulled me out of the hug and I didn't look at his face straightforward but first I saw his shirt was a bit wet because of my face that was wet with water and my tears.

I couldn't stop starting, i know it's not the right time to think like this but i just happened and i can't take my mind and eyes off it...

I never saw that kind of handsome chest. My heart began to flutter.. I felt this feeling before in my heart because of him but this time it was more a feeling

He helped me standing up and we walked out the girls restroom towards the lunch table where the rest of the boyfriend members were sitting.

We sat down and I can see Them looking confused. Hyunseong what happened to your shirt and why are you both coming back together? Donghyun asked.

Donghyun's POV

hyung I went to the restroom and washed my hands but there was nothing to dry my hands with so I did with my shirt, and about we getting back together was that we saw each other on the way back so we came back together. Hyunseong said.. I need to say that he's good at telling lies.

He didn't explain why josa lookes like she was crying... ugh this boy what did he do.

The buzzer went of, lunch ended and it was time for our 3rd period.

Josa's POV

The periods were like usual, they ended and that was it for today. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow ,it'll be the same like always, meeting new ghosts and getting scared and people think I'm weird like every day.

Josa see you tomorrow!  Hyunseong said waving at me and left with the rest of the members.

That's how today ended...

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