run away!

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It's early in the morning and my head was almost exploding about what ming ming told me.

What should I do? Tell hyunseong?

If i do the manager will kill me, i need to keep hyunseong and the rest safe from him.

I heard noise from downstairs, someone opened the door and came in. Whoever it was came upstairs.

The handle of my door was slowly moving, i had a bad feeling cause i didn't know who it was and know the thing about the manager I'm more scared.

I quickly hid in my closet and exactly one second later the door opened.

Three guesses for who it was.

I know you're here, no need to hide from.... besides your smell attracts me to you.

So listen up girl, you better not tell anyone about me especially Boyfriend and if you even tell one thing to hyunseong I'll make sure you'll die to.

He went outside. I stayed in the closet for a while all shaken up. I can't be somewhere he is, i need to leave and stay away from him.

I got a small bag and put some clothes in it then i put it under my bed so no one sees it while I'm gone to eat dinner.

After dinner hyunseong told me they needed to leave for practice. I was home alone again.

I took my bag and waited for them to leave. I took something to eat and closed the door behind me and left without leaving a note or anything.

I'm sorry *sights*

It was dark outside but it's okay, no one can see me.
I went to the park bench under a tree where i slept before i had a home.
No one comes here because they think the place is possessed by something bad.

Well they're right, the old man here is bad he doesn't want anyone near here, he thinks he owes the place.

It didn't matter to me since i can see him so I'll just ignore him like he's a normal human and stay on the bench.


The beautiful voices of the birds made me awake. I stood up and looked around in the park. It was full with families that were on a pick nick.
Their kids were playfully playing on the grass with a ball or something else.

But a girl caught my eye, she wasn't playing. Instead she was sitting lookin sad by the water of the park. Her brother that probably is dead was sitting besides her leaning his arm on her shoulder.

I wish the girl knew her brother wasn't gone but is always looking after her. I'm sure he's in her heart.

I walked up to her until something made me stop walking.
My horrible parents were walking and laughing together in the park.
I stared at them as they walked closer to my way without noticing me.

How can they forget there own daughter so easily and laugh while being so happy walking in the park? I started tearing up.
It's like i didn't exist in their lives, they don't care about me.

Hey! Jagiya isn't that josa? My father suddenly pointed at me.
Oh no! They saw me!

Yeah it's her. My mom replied

CATCH HER!! my father yelled and started running after me with my mom.

I run away from them....i ran and ran as fast as i could, so fast that i didn't see someone in front of me until i bumped in to him.

I fell on the ground but quickly stood up before they catch me.
Sorry i said to whom i bumped into and didn't look at his/her face.

I kept running and running, my legs started to feel sore. I couldn't run anymore but i kept running.
I fell again, i can't take it anymore, i give up the running.

My parents got closer and closer until they were next to me.

You b** how dare to leave home like that!!! My father yelled.
He kicked me lots of times on my legs. So much tears came out of my eyes and my mother didn't care, she just watched and kicked me along with him.

I don't get why we have a daughter like you! She yelled and kicked me again.

The kicking kept going on for like 5 minutes, i couldn't feel my legs anymore except that it hurts.

I let myself lay on the ground and just looked at them with tears full eyes. My father kicked me in my side two times then i see him lift up his arm.

It's getting down to me, he slapped my face 4 times, he's going for the fifth one but someone grabbed his hand.

Don't you dare to beat up my girlfriend like this!!!
I heard a kick sound. My father fall on the ground and my mother's face was priceless.

With my blurry vision i was able to see that's it's hyunseong that kicked my father in the face.

Then five other boys came, i think it's the other members.
Someone said make sure your girlfriend is okay, we'll take care of this.

Hyunseong kneeled down to me as my eyes slowly closed.


Hi lovely readers! How are you?

I'm sorry for always updating latem here's another fast chapter after the other one, it's short but i made it short so you guys didn't need to wait long for the next chapter.

What do you guys think of my writing?
Please tell me and be honest ^^
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Let's be chingu's


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