3. Bloody hand

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the night was as usual I couldn't sleep that ghosts girl kept singing and singing I didn't close my eyes once at all.

It's 6 in the morning and I was too tired and sleepy to go to school but I have to. I took a cold shower to get fully awake. I finished taking a cold shower I walked to my closet and took my uniform to wear it.

I run downstairs I'm heading off to school I tell my parents without looking at them and got out the door without taking breakfast, it's not like they care where i go or where i am when u leave or what i did. They're not like normal parents to ask their kid if he or she has eaten yet or not.

looking to the ground and walking straight forward in school without looking up. I bumped into someone scared I slowly look up and see boyfreind standing in front of me. let's go to class together one of the boyfreind members said with blond hair I still don't know what his name is I didn't look when they said their names.

I nodded and walked behind them to class looking to the ground.

in class I was quite as usual with them, a bit before the bell rang my stomach started to make sounds.

is that your stomach who made that sound ? the cute guy asked I nodded.

bell goes off

come on let's have lunch together the cute guy said and took my hand to a table to have lunch... we sat down on a table. the blond and cute guy left to get lunch.

after couple of minutes they came back with lunch and gave it to each one. the blond guy handed to me my lunch thanks I said facing the table then i felt a hand on my chin that lifted my face to look up...it's the blonde guy again...

I looked at him straight in the eyes, all I did was stare in his eyes and he said you're welcome and you should look up when you talk or do other things...just don't be shy.

I really want him to understand that it's not that but i can't tell him. Somehow looking in his eyes gave me a safe feeling, a feeling that he's not harmful but protective...that explains why I see him as a normal human.

let us I introduce ourselves properly this time so that you know who is who...
I'm hyunseong said the blond guy who released his hand from my chin.

I'm donghyun the leader from the boy band boyfreind said the guy with blue hair.

I'm jeongmin he introduced himself with a big smile.

I'm youngmin the charima prince and this is my younger twin brother kwangmin he said pointing to his twin brother.

and the last one I'm the maknea minwoo nice to meet you the cute guy said with a child like voice and cute smile.

now i know their names but that didn't make it comfortable talking to them.

Now that you know out names it's easier to call us by it when you need us in class. Hyunseong said

the bell goes off all of them stand up to go to class, I wanted to stand up to but someone was blocking me from standing up then i noticed a ghost grabbed a hold of my hand in a painful way, he digged his long disgusting nails in my hand.

I bit my lip to not scream the pain out, that was so horrible.

why aren't standing up? it's time for class hyunseong said.
Once he touched me the ghost dissappeared and my hand was now free but the wound has gotten worst.

Together we left to class, I'm still holding the pain in.
he let go off my hand and sits on his place next to me and in the other side kwangmin and the rest.

I took a pen and oh please no...i think i dropped my notebook that day.

My hand started feeling really wet and the pain got worse.

Hyunseong's POV

I noticed that she didn't have a notebook so i decided to lend one of mine.

Here use mine...

She took it, her hand...it's bleeding, it looks terrible.

your hand what happened to it I asked her she kept quit and was just starring at her bleeding hand.

come on let's go to the nurse I said while the teacher heard me and saw what the matter was so I didn't need to explain and she allowed us to go.

no please let go of me i don't want to go there please? she said with tears coming out of her eyes trying to release herself from me and run away.

I grabbed a hold of her and pulled her into a hug to calm her down...shhh nothing bad is going to happen the nurse is just going to help you i can feel her shaking like she's scared but from

the nurse saw me waiting outside and allowed me to go in with her. the nurse started to clean her cuts and some needed stitches, the nurse was done lastly she covered her hand with bandages.

so what's your name? the nurse asked.

my name is j..j..josa she said looking down, now I know her name. her name is josa.

I'll write your name in the student patient list, your hand should stay like that at least 3 weeks and then you can take the bandage off...the stitches will vanish eventually.

You may go...

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