A girl named...ming ming

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It's morning

Hyunseong's POV

I woke up with the bright sun shining on my face, josa is still sleeping. I'll wake her up now.

Josa wake up.... josa... josa.... josa wake up, I whispered in her ear. She started moving but didn't wake up, I guess this didn't wake her up.

Well then I'll try again. 

JOSA WAKE UP.. JOSAAAA!!  I yelled instead of whispering this time.

Josa's POV

JOSA WAKE UP... JOSAAAA!!  Someone yelled in my ear.

I got so startled that I slapped what was by me .

AUCH!  what was that for?  The sound came from hyuseong that was laying on the ground with his hand on his cheek. I slapped him ... oh my god...

it's red....

I..I..I..I..I'm sorry so so...s..s. s..sorry, I didn't mean to slap you, I just got shocked because of the loud voice.

Yeah that loud was from me, I had to yell because you didn't wake up so it's not my fault for you slapping me like this. He said in a angry tone but in funny way.

heal me.... He said teasingly with a smirk on his face.  He walked towards me and sat down besides me on the bed. 

W..w..what do you mean with 'h...h. heal me? I can feel my cheeks are getting red.

He came closer to me and he pointed With his finger on his red cheek and said 'heal me with a kiss'

I should do it since he got slapped by me.

I closed my eyes..

his cheek feels so soft as his lips.

Wait...it feels like his lips. I widened my eyes open and  saw that he was facing me straight...I was kissing his lips.

I wanted to pull away but he cupped my face with his two hands and it caused difficulty to pull away.

He continued kissing me, I kissed him back.... it turned into pure passion. I can feel his tongue slipping inside my mouth as it was making rounds inside.

He stopped kissing me... I loved this kiss but not as much as I love you!

All I did was stare at him, he got up of bed saying get ready and come  downstairs and left downstairs .

As I was told I got ready and went after him.

Everyone gathered in the living room. Hi josa! Are you coming with us? The twins said in joy.

They seem so happy and comfortable ,I had no clue what they're talking

Hyunseong started to explain what they meant,  we're going to the park and you're coming with us, we're not leaving you here alone.

All of them headed outside, donghyun took a basket and went after us.

I started to shake a bit once i got rhe feeling something bad was coming,  hyunseong tengled his fingers in mine and whispered don't be scared, I'm next to you .

While walking to park, a man with a dog passed us.. since I'm looking down and the dog was at that size i was able to see the dog.

the dog was half a wolf and the other looked like he was a devil.  There was a rat in his mouth clamped firmly, the rat was bleeding heavily. The rats blood dripped on the ground.

And yes i see animals like that to...

Facing this was so horrible and scary. Without knowing I squeezed hard in hyunseong's hand.

Yay!  We arrived! let's look for a beautiful place to picnic!! Minwoo said all happy.

Hyung hyung!!  I found a great place to picnic!!  Minwoo said taking donghyun's hand and dragged to the place he found.

They stopped at a place that was full of grass and flowers with a small lake, donghyun put the basket down and placed a blanket on the grass.

All of them sat down expect me, I don't know if I should.. and what is this all about?  josa you can sit down. Don't stand there like that jeongmin said.

Donghyun opened the basket and started getting the food out of it, he gave everyone something to eat... when he gave some to me that girl with the white dress appeared again.

It seemed like she was trying to say something ,I tried hearing it but donghyun cut me off. What are you staring at?

Uh.. Oh.. I'm s..s..sorry. I said and accepted the food, I ate it silently thinking about what the girl wanted to say.

Everyone was eating until they stopped when a man came by.

Hello boys!  I see you're enjoying a picnic! He said
Hello manager, we're glad you came. Donghyun said.

their manager came.

Josa greet him, he's our manager. When donghyun said that I felt troubled, I mean to show respect you need to greet them while facing them and how do I do that?!

I decided to just greet him by shaking hands ,I had no other choice.

So I did.. when I touched his hand I got a kind of shock through my body ,I automatically released my hands from his... what was that?  I never had something like this before! Is it because it's my first time touching a stranger?

Everyone looked at me with a face what-the-hell-was-that

So the reason why I was called here donghyun, please tell me. The manager said and broke the silence.

Hyunseong's POV

When the manager asked that I immediately knew what the reason was and I hope he agrees to it.

Guys why don't you all leave before me to home??  Donghyun suggested and we all left them two alone.

Now we wait for the answer at home.

Donghyun's POV

Manager, the reason why I wanted to meet you was because I had to ask you something.

The manager nodded Yes and was in position ready to listen what I had to say, so I started to talk.

Uhm, it's about the girl that was with us.... she's in a relationship with hyunseong and has no contact with her family and no home to stay in.

What I want to say is.... can she live with us in the dorm?? For a few seconds he didn't say anything... until...

You're saying you want a girl to live with six famous boys??!  She could be a crazed fan That's putting on an act!!! He said a bit angry.

No no no!  Really she isn't.. we met her at school and she is totally different unlike the other girls, she's also not a fan of us. 
And about her living with six boys we'll do something about like rules about distance touching and those stuff.  I said in a hopeful way although it's not my will I still want it for hyunseong.. I'll do anything for my dongseangs .

Well...okay then i agree to it ...BUT ! The rules need to be strict and don't let anyone that a girl is living with you guys!  He said

Thanks so much our best manager.. I'm so thankful.

Okay now go back to everyone in the dorm and settle everything! The manager said and left to his own way.

I left to with the basket in my hand heading back to the dorm to everyone and of course Our new dorm mate josa... hyunseong will be so Happy with this.

Maybe the rest to since josa is their friend.

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