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Donghyun's POV

i didn't expect to wake up that early....5 am. now i have enough time to do everything, i'll take a shower first.

I'll leave them to rest for today, we can only practice together. That's not possible now with hyunseong's injury.

I bet it's a great idea to stay at his girlfriends side, it'll make him feel better.

I left a note so that they won't wonder where i am. i locked the door and got in my car.

The mall wasn't so full as usual, people don't usually shop and come here at this time, but some do just like in my case.

I had to do some groceries, if i see something else I'll buy it to. This way i can spend my free time, it's boring to stay home all day.

I got thirsty so i went to buy a drink at a small store. There were like five men standing in a circle in front a food track.

Leave me alone!

A girl screamed, somehow the voice sounds familiar but there are probably million of girls with that voice.

The circle got closer and the girls creamed louder.
The checkout man wasn't here only me and them.

I got my attention to those guys.
What are they doing?

One of the guys took a knife out of his pocket.

Okay now i can't stay still, i can't leave them to hurt that girl.

Hey ! You guys what are you doing? !!

Mind your own business...

Just go on man, don't pay attention to that f*** bastard.

They ignored, he got the knife close to her neck.

Before he did something else i kicked his hand and the knife fell out of his hand on the ground.

The others started to fight me but i defended myselfk i was ablet8 kick them all unconscious.

One was left, i got in a fight with him. He's a difficult one. He had the chance to kick me and i can feel my lip bleeding.

He punched me several times in my face. Luckily I was able to defend myself again.

I was busy fighting him that i didn't notice one of them got awake and grabbed the knife.

The girl was so scared that she was sitting on the ground covering her face, of course no one would want to see a fight.

The moment he finally gave up and lost his strength the guy with the knife was too fast and drove the knife in her stomach.

She looked at him and i was able to see her face.



Ming ming? ....

How? She died last year...

W..w..w..why? Blood out her mouth and tears escaping her eyes.

All of them ran off and left her laying in the ground with me.
I knelt down to her side and held her in my arms.

Ming ming... you're not dead?

N...n..nooo! I...i.. i.. came back .

But how? I asked.
She caught up blood, she couldn't answer.

Don't die again!

D..d..d.. don't worry...i..i.. i won't.

What do you mean? After that she closed her eyes.

Nooo!! Ming ming don't leave me again!

Oh my god what happened here?! The checkout man looked so shocked and quickly called an ambulance.

They put her in the ambulance, i was allowed to stay by her side.
I held her hand tightly praying for her to be okay as a tear escaped my eye.

Sir don't worry, she will not die.


[Authors note]

Hi my lovely readers, sorry for keeping you wait so long for this chapter.

I'm but i didn't have any further ideas for this chapter.

Here it is finally...i wanted to write as quick as possible the part that they meet again.

They can now finally be together again after this happened, so now I'm glad i wrote this part where they met each other again. That's done!

Enjoy it!

Please vote and comment ♡

I'll update as soon as possible if i can and when i get more ideas and inspiration.


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